The Lord says He will expose the Judicial System in America.
Something is going to be exposed between a very well-known female US Politician and popular Caribbean female Leader.
There are plans to erect electric fences on the US Borders that will electrocute many.
There is going to be an exposure involving Mitt Romney.
A deadly hurricane may hit Mississippi and also St. Louis, Missouri
There are going to be many disasters around the world.
Pray against a hurricane that may hit Jamaica, likened to Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. It has the potential to wipe out vegetation.
There is going to be an exposure about money being given to the police under the table of which the public was not aware. And the people will say “Yet they say they have no money!”
Politicians in Jamaica are taking advice from the Muslim Community and they will want to introduce their religion in the school.
Something major is about to burst in Jamaica and the Lord says it has to happen!
There is a great deception coming to America. There is a man in whom they put their trust who will deceive and defeat them.
God is calling Rev. Al Sharpton to put away politics, come before Him (God) in humility and put his house in order.
God is calling Rev. Jesse Jackson to come before Him (God) to seek God’s will and way for his life.
God is calling the Indian Security Forces to be vigilant. There is a plan to take out the Indian Prime Minister. They need to be alert within the next 50 days.
We see the Sea rising in Hawaii and the waves growing bigger and bigger; trees swaying heavily! Pray also for Louisiana!
New avenues for Tourism in Johannesburg, South Africa.
A lot of flooding in New Dehli, India.
There is going to be a dispute between 2 Fashion Designers\n(A and D&G) about similarity of styles.
Michael Jordan needs to be careful of his eating habits!
Russia cannot be trusted. They are instigating certain conflicts.
There are going to be conflicts among the heads of the UWI Mona West Indies.
Something is about come to light in a Teacher’s College in Jamaica.
Good doctors are needed in Jamaica. Some are not focusing on what they are doing. If the government does not step in to raise up more doctors within Jamaica, they will find themselves importing doctors and put an even greater strain on the economy.
Woe unto the leaders that have compromised – in the nation and in the Church! For the Lord shall make a clean sweep! A David Generation is on the rise! Saul is dead!
To The Prophets and Leaders who refuse to speak the truth for God, He will replace them!
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