Globally, women continue to rise to positions of authority, becoming major players on the world stage in business, politics, civic society and the Church. Women have become great influencers in decision-making concerning laws, systems, and governments, wielding power and setting national and international priorities and frameworks.
On the home-front, women have the capacity, and innate ability to raise sons and daughters, while being the help meet and part of the management team for the unit called Family. They are often the Finance Managers, Financial Strategists, Budget Managers not only in business but within their families as well. That being said, recognize that “to whom much is given, from him much will be required…” (Luke 12: 47 – 48)
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
As the saying goes, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” Women have a precious, God-given capacity to influence, and each woman has been granted the Divine opportunity to do just that as they nurture each child – whether birthed by her or not. However, with that grace and capacity comes great responsibility and accountability. It must be handled with Godly wisdom, clean hands, pure hearts and right motives. This may seem simple, but because we play the roles we do in influencing decision-making in our families, there is the capacity to help lay the right foundation for the children and youth – who are the decision-makers of tomorrow – it can impact the world.
That being said, let us recognize that the enemy will stop at nothing to be able to influence decision-making at every level in this world, and his strategy has always been to influence the influencers to influence the decision-makers. Adam and Eve are prime examples of that strategy.
The Devil Has Big Plans
We must remember that the devil is a long-term planner, so all the plans that the enemy of souls is laying out today, is not just to try to destroy us today, but he is also attempting to lay an unholy foundation for our children, and our children’s children in order to control future generations, enslave the lineage, and get a foothold on those decisions and decision-makers of tomorrow.
Women, know that we the authority to exercise more than a foothold and instead grab hold of the reigns on the future for God. We can working together with each other and with the men to secure a bright future for our children and youth!
Securing The Future
Remember that Joshua 1: 3, which says “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses” applies to us too. We are land-possessors, and we must do our part and “possess the land” for God and for the sake of our children’s future!
Don’t give up the land that has been in your family for generations in exchange for a plate of food. Fight to hold on to it so your children will have a place of their own in the future.
Let your children know the truth! Let them know how you had to scrimp and save to feed them; how you had to sacrifice to fight for your family, and put clothes on their backs, but remember to let them know that it was God gave you the direction and strategies as to how to do it, so they know that God can and must be trusted and will bring us through.
There are 2 major things God needs us to do for Him,
Fulfill the Great Commission according to Matthew 28: 18 – 20, and,
“Train up the child in the way they should go”, and teach them the way of the Lord and His principles so they will learn to have right relationship with Him and grow up with substance and good morals.
Fight For The Family
Spending time with the future decision-makers and leaders today will help to shape their views, lifestyle and decision-making tomorrow.
Encourage and facilitate your family’s Spiritual Development and Relationship with God, and. teach them to serve Him in humility
Stand up for marriage according to the will of God – one man one woman.
Impact the laws being debated today, for a better tomorrow. The lawmakers today are not going to be around tomorrow, but their laws will be, and will significantly impact every facet of society including the Education System and dictate what is to be taught to our children. We must take a stand where it can make the most impact.
As women, our unanimous prayer must be for our nation’s children and youth to be who God created them to be. We must help them understand the importance of having a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide in all areas of life. Give our children and youth the upper hand for tomorrow.
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