April 10, 2020 (Good Friday)

In the time that we commemorate the Passover, where Moses went before Pharaoh over and over and told him as the Lord instructed – “…Let My people go, that they may serve Me.” (Exodus 10: 3) – this is the time you choose to declare a lockdown.  The spirit of Pharaoh is at work through you, refusing to allow them to exercise their faith and worship God in a time that His help is so desperately needed. 

At the beginning of the Holy Week, you strategically chose to drive more fear into the public and execute orders for a curfew in order to stop the people of God from going to His house to worship Him corporately so that He could extend mercy to us all.  When they are to be released to worship Him – you said “lockdown!” and “curfew!”  Be very careful that you are not “curfewed” and “locked down” by God.

If you genuinely wanted to procure a cure for this pandemic (as you would like us to think), you would have released the people to gather together in the House of God at the most significant time in the Christian faith, to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and cry out before Him genuinely, and ask Him to release the cure to His people so that the world could have His cure.  But you are afraid that they will turn away from you and turn to the true and living God.  Just as it happened with Elijah in 1 Kings 18: 20 – 40.   Tell me:

Are you afraid of another Mt. Carmel victory?

Are you afraid of the people seeing the power of God in manifestation and ultimately believing in the Lord God you try so desperately to make disappear from our nation, culture and belief systems? 

Are you afraid that the truth about you may be revealed, and the people will see you for who you truly are instead of who you pretend to be?  

Well, know this! History, Time and most importantly, the Word of God already tells us that whatever God the Father did not plant will be uprooted.  (Matthew 15: 13).  Furthermore, Mark 4: 22 says, “For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.”  Ensure that you have the right Light guiding you in all you do.  Without the True Light, Who is Jesus Christ, you will not be able to see and obtain the answers we truly NEED! 




Exodus 32: 35 Says, “So the Lord plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made.”

Some of the Servants of God have yielded to the pressures of the kings and leaders of the nations and in this world, and have committed sins with them.  They have allowed the world to lead them into executing sin and into finding to ways to justify their actions – even where they knew it was wrong. 

The god that this world serves is The Economy and many church leaders refused to tell the kings and leaders what the Lord was truly saying because they were receiving and sometimes clamoring for the benefits offered to/available in the World.  As a result, the plagues became the portion of the people.  

The leaders of the nation and those in the Church who betrayed the Lord with their compromise have much to answer for.  If ever there was a time to come humbly before the Lord our God, repent and cry out for His mighty hand to move on our behalf and bring healing, it is now!

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