Prayer Breaks Recession!


Prayer is not a word that many like to hear, particularly in connection with the economy, financial systems and technology.

However, it is interesting to note that prayer is the first wireless communication and has been around since the dawn of time. Furthermore, it has always been free and the only way it is ineffective is when it is not done with a pure heart.

Prayer involves intercession, thanksgiving and petitioning. Petitioning is a formal application or entreaty to an authority. It is also a written action by a government signed by a number of people.

God is the ultimate authority and the final government. Imagine what would happen if all the stakeholders in a nation came together petitioning God to bring change within the nations and even the global economy, and that righteous governance come into effect; change would take place worldwide.

The day any government, prime minister, president or monarch ignores criticism and ridicule, and calls their nation to one day of prayer for the Lord to intervene in the affairs of the nation, we would be surprised to see the solutions and the change that would come forth.

There is always such a fight against prayer. But if prayer is such a bad thing, then why ask for it during times of adversity?

Take note that prayer is extremely effective, so much so that it can break recession, change the economy and bring spiritual and natural revival, growth and prosperity to a nation. (1 Kings 18; Joel 1-2)

Persistence in prayer deals with injustice, disaster, evil, poverty and war. (Luke 18:1-8)

The number one priority in church, nation or business must be prayer – then the nation would have peace. The first wall of defense in a nation must be prayer, not weaponry and the national security forces. Unless the Lord build the house we labor in vain! (Psalm 127:1-2)

When the wall of prayer breaks down within a nation the following will occur (Ezekiel 13:5, Ezekiel 22:30):

Family divisions.

Internal and external security issues.

Governmental problems.

False doctrines, false teachers and powerlessness in church.

Attraction of the wrong advisers to the government.

Lack of new ideas and investment.

Shift in the motives of those in the media.

Wrong kind of educators entering the education system.

When the wall of prayer is torn down, then we have famine, recession, violence, corruption, evil, and great poverty.

The Power of Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13 tell us that prayer reduces debt, gives daily provision, bring God’s will to pass, and causes what takes place in the heavens to also take place on the earth. Prayer gives us natural and spiritual sustenance, power and protects us from evil.

According to Luke 21-22 and I Kings 18:36-46, prayer opens the heavens (and the world needs an open heaven right now). An open heaven means that healing, solutions, changes and strengthening will take place.

Prayer changes God’s heart (2 Kings 20:1-7) and brings healing. Prayer caused God to add 15 years to a king’s life after he had decided to take his life away.

Prayer delivers a nation in times of war and gives it victory and allows the nation to collect the spoils. (2 Chronicles 20:1-13).

It is noteworthy that in I Timothy 2:8, God outlines that man should pray everywhere – nowhere is exempt. When this happens, then we will see a global change in businesses, various organisations and in individuals’ lives and homes.

Prayer allows us to be bold; it breaks plots and gives you victory over your enemies. (Ephesians 6:18-20; Proverbs 6:7-10; Psalms 109:4)

For all the nations that will be going to the polls in 2011 and 2012 (2012 being the Year of Government), it will not be public relations and campaign strategies, nor will it be monetary strength, slander, undermining and idolatry that will bring victory. It will be prayer.

Those that are going through hardship will be wiser in their prayer. The more difficult times become, the more people will pray. The more people pray, the stronger they become, and the better able they are to handle their problems.

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