Proverbs 19: 17 reminds us, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
And He will pay back what he has given.”
Many have been going through a lot but the poor have felt it most. As a result, many of them have experienced a serious lack of opportunities. Because of a lack of money they are unable to lay hold of some opportunities and cannot improve on their skills and expand their knowledge through formal education.
It is sad that most countries have budgeted tremendous sums to deal with Crime, Violence and Gender-centric issues, while the poor suffers and homelessness increases. Billions are being spent to fight useless wars while children are dying for hunger.
Deuteronomy 15: 11 clearly reminds us, “For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.’”
God’s Word is clear regarding the poor and how they should be treated. The Private Sector is not doing enough and if we are to see meaningful change within society, then the Private Sector needs to step up to the plate. They have received so many benefits, including tax breaks and write-offs, but they are not giving back as they should. The Crime and Violence situation is increasing, and it can be reduced if the Private Sector decides to step up. It is critical for the Private Sector to remember that it is God Who has given them the power to get wealth.
Many in the Private Sector have spent millions in the wrong areas – wasting what could have been given to the poor to improve their situation.
If we are serious, then CEOs can give up some of their perks, Entertainers can share their talents with the poor free of cost, Companies can employ from the communities that house them. Business owners need to “Pay It Forward”. In other words, they need to find some persons who are poor, “adopt” them and work with them to help bring significant improvement to their lives.
When they are applying for a job, oftentimes they are rejected because of their address or skin color, although they clearly qualify for the positions offered.
The Poor Must Do Something Too
The poor in our society also has a part to play.
They must be careful about what they will invest in, as one wrong move there can lead to further financial and moral spiraling. Furthermore, they cannot afford to be distracted and enticed by brand names. Generic brands are just as good and even better sometimes. They might be the ones to make that generic brand go far and be great!
They must also recognize that individually, they are important to the grand scheme of things and that God has equipped them with much to offer. They cannot disregard or diminish the value of their God-given gifts and talents.
Things That Impact People And Bring Poverty To Nations
The distribution of resources is in the wrong set of hands. Furthermore, there is:
If we want to break the back of poverty and maintain it, we must begin to teach the children from the Primary School level principles of business and investment. We must also teach them how to be business owners, not just employees. Their goal at that early age cannot be to go and work for someone, but to own as well.
When a person is poor they are open to selling their votes and their birthright. Since the COVID-19 Pandemic was made official, many have been benefitting politically from the poor.
Every poor person must recognize that each one of them is born with talents. Some can cook, some can act, some are q2uthors, others sing, some dance, some are great at athletics and sports in general; and the list goes on.
James 1: 17 reminds us that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” So, the Lord is going to hold us accountable if we do not utilize what He has given us.
We also understand that in society, a person is treated based on their status as classism and racism are real. So when you are poor, you miss out an some important areas within the society.
It is time we break the back of poverty by looking to God for wisdom knowledge and understanding to directly address this very serious issue.
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