Know Your Calling In The Fivefold Ministry is written for the Church and for the Secular society. It gives the reader a deeper understanding about their gifts and calling, and lets the reader know that each person was predestined before they were conceived regarding their purpose and assignment. This book reminds the reader that his/her profession is not his/her purpose. Know Your Calling In The Fivefold Ministry outlines the different gifts given by the Father, by Jesus the Son and by the Holy Spirit and helps the reader to understand that these gifts are given by God’s grace, not only for the operation of and within the church, but must also be employed within the secular society to bring about true success and comprehensive prosperity. A man who does not know who he is, nor what spiritual resources he possesses will never lay hold of the level of peace and dominion God created them to have. You may be prospering now, but there is still that void. If that is so, then it is time to Know Your Calling In The Fivefold Ministry.
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