Given by the Lord through Apostle Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Pastor Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly

  1. The results from 2020 US elections will produce shocking numbers that may cause a civil war in every state. People must pray for the US election as this one is critical. Also, there will be surprise votes in Richmond Virginia.
  2. The Secret Service will come under close scrutiny within the US because of fraudulent practices over the years.
  3. The relationship between Russia and the US will diminish because of great exposure that could further impeach the US President.
  4. There will be great famine within all 51 states within the US and all experience this both spiritually and naturally and great devastation, but God’s people will be covered.
  5. There will be more wars among nations. In all of this, Deuteronomy 7: 13 – 16 declares there will be blessing and healing for God’s people. Ships carrying food/provision will be hijacked (pirates) and cargo will be taken away. Pray for Jordan and Gaza, war for lands, communication will get worse worldwide, infiltration will take place to sabotage trade around the world.
  6. Money in all its forms will play a very significant role in 2020. Many who were considered on top will go through great turmoil – sickness, diseases, death, divorce and other shaking will happen to those who were given wealth but squandered their resources and did not use them as they should. Two countries will be in war over money.
  7. Chronic diseases will be on the increase without cure. It will bring death and much suffering. Because of the sinful acts man has taken to himself, many will die.
  8. The drug cartels are using different avenues to bring in their drugs from the top and this has affected little children and families. This is and has been crushing the economy and the Lord is about to step in.
  9. Pray for all the railway lines throughout the USA and the World. A great deception is coming in the USA. Pray for all aircraft, airports, ports of entry. Travel will become difficult.
  10. Pray earnestly for California, Alabama, New York (especially Long Island, Manhattan, Wall Street and Grand Central Station), New Jersey, South Carolina (especially Charleston), Maine, Texas, Canada.
  11. Different problems will arise out of Wall Street that will cause many to run into debt. Wall Street will bring instability in the economy.
  12. The French Prime Minister will have many situations to solve because his own cabinet undermines him because of his age. There are plots and plans to overthrow the government.
  13. The Ford Company will suffer huge loss in sales and lawsuits for mistreatment to their former and present employees. Pray also for Walmart – there will be a split which may affect thousands of staff members.
  14. The USA/China relationship will weaken further, as trust is lacking and China is of the belief that they don’t need the USA.
  15. There will be major wars within Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua that will have a domino effect to other countries.
  16. Sex trafficking is on the rise and it shall be exposed within every state within the US and within every country, says the Lord
  17. The Spiritual, Mental and Emotional well-being of young children of VIPs, Politicians, Diplomats and other Officials are being neglected, and a new generation of the “Latchkey Kid” is rising. We must pray for those children, because they are now also “armed” with limitless, unsupervised, technology, exposure to the sex trafficking industry, official immunities, money and the new thrust regarding the rights of the child.
  18. Many of the Mexican people believe that they have been deceived by their President Andrés Manuel López Obrador because they have not seen the change that they have longed for and they are now seeing his true leadership style that are not in favor for the poor. (Serious problems ahead.
  19. We are about to see the migration of large numbers of fish and mammal to the land. They will be running from the sea. This will be a sign. Experiments will also go wrong.
  20. Pray, because major and widespread food contamination will take place.
  21. Pray for the West Wing of the White House. There will be demonstrations throughout the US concerning health insurance coverage, new gun laws, and treatment from law enforcement.
  22. A new level of evil mixed with the scientific are taking place. Pray and cover your families.
  23. 3 Major US airlines will struggle in this coming year, two of which will bounce back but one will fully go under. 2020 will be a rough year for the airline industry. Pray also for all airlines beginning with the letter P.
  24. Disney Cruises, Disney World and Epcot Centre will face law suits not only within the USA, but also worldwide.
  25. The trucking industry will undergo a major shift that will negatively affect smaller trucking companies and owner/operators. There will be a great outcry for better legislation that the small people a better chance to make a living.
  26. There will be torrential rains and landslides in Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica, Houston, Texas and Cancun, Mexico.
  27. There will be Tsunamis in diverse places such as Turkey, Bangladesh and Guam. There will ALSO be desert storms in Egypt as have never been recorded before, for which many lives will be lost.
  28. There will be earthquakes and fires in different places within California. God is not through with them yet.
  29. Physical and Spiritual Earthquakes will be shaking cities and in the midst of the shaking, there will be frightening exposures. In the midst of the disaster, people will be running around naked and afraid during which infidelities and alternate hidden lifestyles will be in full public view.
  30. More volcanic eruptions shall occur within Montserrat and Hawaii. Disaster will hit Japan and China. Pray for Iowa – fires will breakout. More floods in Istanbul.
  31. There will be attempts to poison a globally-known politician.
  32. A leader will rule the USA and his rule will be hard to determine. Part will be good and a part will be bad. Many will be deceived. Some will be happy but ultimately Great Sorrow for all. Only the righteous will be saved from the iron rule because they are led by the Spirit of God. A paradigm shift will take place that will change the world. Dark days are coming when many will refuse to eat. Many will die; some will commit suicide and this will also affect the whole earth. There will be famine for the Word of God, famine for the truth and famine for food. At the time appointed, that leader will change dramatically and those who support that leader will be disappointed. A leader will rise up and change things for God’ people. Furthermore, there is a scandal that will breakout that will cause the leader to hide away. God will cover His people but some states will not recover.
  33. Leaders in the Kingdom and secular world will pay for their deeds in 2020. God will not be mocked. As a man soweth, so shall he reap, and not just reap but reap double. As in Exodus 22: 7, there will be an exposure and when the thief is found, he will have to pay double. There are many rumors that were going around concerning management, leadership, and organizations, but now everything will come to light. Many will show their hand in 2020. i.e. companies, churches and individuals will take a stand to show if they are on God’s side or not.
  34. More cut-offs regarding food assistance will take place in the USA. It will lead to more homelessness. “Pray for the poor My people.”
  35. Immigration policies that the USA is now pursuing will bring great suffering and serious problems ahead. It will affect the family, the economy, the future and the Church as well as Real Estate, Education, The Army and cause homelessness. Those who impose it will regret it in the future and weep on their beds. They will make it easier for some and harder for the poor to enter the nation. Those they favor will not have any loyalty to the country.

The Prophecies given are for 2020 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).