It is critical for us to take note to see what is happening globally, particularly the Middle East and the actions that are taken by the United States of America which many countries may believe are unilateral actions.  For example, we have seen the United States pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran, and have become the first Administration to establish their nation’s embassy in Jerusalem and at the time when Israel was celebrating 70 years of being recognized as a state.  While many Presidents of the United States acknowledged and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama – none was bold enough to establish an embassy there.

All these events have forced countries to take sides, thus officially revealing where they stand to the world.  We have seen Turkey rallying the Arab league, expelling the US and Israeli Ambassadors.  We have also seen Iran launch its attack on Israel from Syria. We are seeing the true colors of China, Germany and France as well.  In light of all this, recognize that the Bible is being fulfilled right before our eyes.  So we are on the verge of two sides globally – the sheep and the goats!

The question is, with all those prophetic happenings, will we now see the beginning of the rebuilding of the temple?  Will we soon see a false peace treaty being signed to coincide with the Book of Daniel?  Or will we see the beginning of the battle of Armageddon?  We must therefore begin to pray more fervently for the peace of Jerusalem as well as the Trump Administration.

We have seen where the enemy of our souls wants to fast-forward some things to bring an end to this Gentile dispensation.

Why Is Jerusalem So Important?

Jerusalem is the most important place on earth.  It is the city of God, the capital city of the nations which God created by His spoken word.  (Genesis 12: 1 – 3; and Genesis 13: 14)  God made an eternal, binding blood covenant with Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles 6: 6 says, “Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.’” Read also 2 Chronicles 7: 16; 2 Chronicles 33: 7; Psalm 48: 1 – 8; Psalm 125: 1 – 2; Psalm 137: 5 – 6.

Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible.  God specifically said, in the book of Jeremiah, that those who fight against Israel fights against God Himself.  (Zechariah 14: 2 – 3) So it is critical for countries that would pass resolutions or who take sides to take note of God’s Word, that if they fight or condemn Israel, or try pass resolutions that come against Israel, or curse God’s land or His people and try to divide the land, then it will impact negatively on their countries and some will come in the form of disasters, wars or even economic decline and destruction upon their own countries.

What nations should do is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Psalm 122: 6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.”

Countries who pray for the peace of Jerusalem will experience economic growth and development.   We cannot come against God’s plans purposes or even prophetic word.  No man can fight God and win.

The Lord showed me the number 83 several months ago, which carries great prophetic significance.  For example, new beginnings, birth, death, change, circumcision, resurrection, Divine completeness, perfection, the Godhead and restoration.  I believe that toward the ending of July and into September, we would see Global change which may result in food, water and gas shortages and diseases would break out.  So it is critical for countries  to begin to store oil, lamps, water, curtains, candles, blankets, flashlights, sheets, gloves, detergents, clothes, bath soaps, wipes, bleach, diapers, garlic, juices, Bibles, socks, deodorants, water boots, batteries, vinegar and lemon.

The Lord also revealed through Psalm 2 that many countries are plotting against His people and want to employ the anti-Christ system against the people of God and particularly against Israel.  But God will sit in the heavens and laugh at the calamity of the enemies of Israel.

What the Lord Revealed

The Lord also revealed that there will be a global exposure – particularly with first world countries that try to accuse smaller countries of corruption.

We must also pray for the Royal Family.

The Lord is going to expose many diplomats and a lot of turmoil will rise in the UN.

There is going to be a global purging – both in the Church and on a secular level.

We must also pray for Spirit Airlines and American Airlines.

We must pray for India with great fervency – as parts of India are crying out particularly regarding poverty.  Pray also for the protection of India’s Prime Minister.

The Lord also says He will show a sign in Jamaica, but in all of it He shall protect His people.  Many are worshipping what they shouldn’t.  He shall raise up new leaders – Prophets and Apostles as well.  People should pray in tongues as never before and the intercessors need to live holy lives.

The enemy is trying to regroup.  The Church in America should not be distracted and divided with race and political sides.  They need to seek God to know His will and His ways.  Many have become blind and are not seeing God’s will and purpose.  They should pray for the United States like never before and pray for the President as the enemy is trying to blindfold and implement a plan on His people.  God wants His people to pray against the spirit of Jezebel.  The enemy is after the church.  The churches in the United States need to get back on the wall – there are dangers ahead.  America, be warned!