Philippians 2: 3 – 4 tells us:
“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others”.
The world teaches us to put our interests first. But Christ teaches us to think about the interest of others before thinking about our own. God is looking for people to promote and raise up as the next millionaire, the next President, the next Prime Minister; He is looking for people who will begin to esteem others more than themselves.
Every true Christian must esteem others above themselves! Can you imagine what would take place if a few leaders came forward focusing on the interest of others above their interests and what transformation would take place globally?
Greed, pride and selfishness are hindering true growth globally! Even in ministry, it is very difficult to find people who are willing to put their vision on the side and focus on the greater vision of building and restoring humanity. Most will only be a part of a vision in order to enhance their own vision. That is why you have division within churches. Church leaders are now burdened with the weight of the vision because people are not giving their all to the corporate vision nor are focusing on putting the interest of others first.
Most will complain form time to time of not getting certain breakthroughs they desire within a specified time. But I have learnt over time that the quickest path to prosperity is putting the interest of others above your own. Jesus was not thinking about His interests when He went to the Cross, He was thinking of ours!
If Jesus was thinking about His own interests above ours then we would not exist today. Even Job in the midst of his trial and testing was taught of the Lord that the most important thing in life is putting the interest of others first! Job 42 – the Lord told him to pray for his friend and after he did so, restoration began!
So thinking about others first is the first key to prosperity! Jesus became poor that we might be rich! He demoted Himself that we can be promoted!
Many preachers in the Body of Christ have often said that you must ‘sow up, not down’! But if we believe what Jesus did was true, then we will also recognize that Jesus ‘sowed down’ that everybody went up! A major principle of life is that a seed must go down before it can go up! (John 3: 16; Psalm 41, Matthew 13; John 12: 24)
If we want to be promoted and used by God, we need to have the mind of Christ! (Philippians 2: 5)
Christ made Himself of no reputation; He took on the form of a bond-servant and came in the likeness of men, (Philippians 2: 7 – 8) in order to help mankind! In this dispensation, we can barely find leaders at any level who are willing to cut their pay, benefits or lifestyle just to make the lives of others better – in the same way that Christ willingly laid aside His heavenly glory to come to the earth and die that we should live. We, then, if we say we are disciples/followers of Jesus Christ, should be willing also to look beyond our own interests for the sake of others.
Very few can we find in the Body of Christ and the World itself, who are willing to put aside their own interests just to push the cause of others to help humanity. What is happening is that everyone is looking out for their own interests and that is NOT the teaching of Jesus.
Can you imagine what the outcome would be if the fore-runners of the Gospel, or many earthly heroes that fought for freedom in various areas had put their own interests ahead of those for whom they fought?
Oftentimes, people will become a part of a church/ministry, group or any organization, not necessarily to put aside their own interests to help you build, but instead to build themselves up at your expense! Unity of purpose and disposition of God’s people are crucial if the Gospel is to be made effective. CHRISTIANS MUST LEAD BY EXAMPLE!
Many only help those who can help them in return. Some only help those within their category. Luke 14: 12 – 14 says, “Then He also said to him who invited Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed,the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Read this Scripture again and ask the Lord for a revelation and greater insight on how wealth must be distributed and how we must carry out our daily stewardship!
When was the last time you fed the poor? When was the last time you put on a dinner and invited the homeless to come and enjoy some entertainment? Are you just giving to an organization who can give you a Tax Letter? Are you giving so that you can talk about the fact that you give? Are you giving to promote your personal agenda? When was the last time that you used your gift to encourage and to motivate someone going through hard times. (Proverbs 12: 25) When was the last time you gave your brother preferential treatment amidst your big friends’?
I encourage every visionary that is struggling to fulfill their vision, start praying that God will send people in your organization who think about others more than they think about themselves. Pray that God will send those that will walk in humility and not think themselves better than others.
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