
Rejection starts from the womb. IT is one of the greatest hindrances to the true potential to individuals and ultimately to nations.

Simply put, ‘rejection’ means ‘to refuse to accept, acknowledge, use, believe; to throw out as useless or worthless; discard; to rebuff (a person).’

Many mothers, during pregnancy, experienced rejection in many forms, which became so much a part of them – their mindset and as a result was ultimately passed on to the child; either during pregnancy or at birth. Some women were abandoned or abused during pregnancy, raped and became pregnant.

Psalms 139: 14, Luke 1: 44 and Jeremiah 1: 5 shows us that when the child is in the womb, in fact from the moment of conception, they have a spiritual identity. As a result, hearing, feeling, smelling, emotions, thought patterns are developed during pregnancy and even their assignments are ‘downloaded’ during this time! They can hear sounds, they respond to the emotions of their mothers and to the voices of their fathers!

So what happens during pregnancy to the mother directly affects the child she carries and it is embedded in the development of the child.

When a woman becomes pregnant and is rejected by the father of the child she carries, double damage takes place! The mother becomes fearful, disappointed, bitter, desperate, and feels betrayed and alone. This culmination of negative emotions becomes the root of rejection that both mother and child.

Sometimes rejection comes from mother to child when the child is the exact image of his/her father who abused or rejected the mother. Further to that, rejection increases when the father rejects the child and deems the child a jacket while he fully embraces other children. Then it is further increased when that same child attempts to reach out to that father for love, affection and acceptance, and is ignored – rejected! So it becomes an issue throughout their entire life and the cycle continues.

Rejection damages the soul and no medication can fix it! However, Psalms 23: 3 tells us of the healing that is there for the soul – “. . . He restoreth my soul . . .”, and it is when the soul is healed that true peace and prosperity will come.

Negative Words

Negative words contribute greatly to rejection. Proverbs 18: 21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue . . .” Words stick and often carry through to adulthood. Some persons would say that it is better if you hit them than curse them. So when, for example, influential persons in a child’s life – parents, teachers, other adults – call the children dunce, fat, ugly or worthless, and then declare prison and death on their own children it carries through with them unless it is broken.

Clearly if we are going to deal with crime, we need to understand rejection.
VIP’s And Politicians

Many of our public officials suffer from rejection. The nation cannot be truly healed until they are healed. Some of them have never been told by any one that they are loved. Some never had the love of a father expressed to them and their trust has been betrayed. That is why some of them play so tough and cold – they hide behind a mask.
A person who suffers from rejection will always be defensive, have low self-esteem and untrusting. Such persons don’t allow anyone to get close to them.

Rejection is a stronghold, and behind every stronghold is a form of bondage. Behind every lie there is a fear. Behind every fear there is an idol. Until we deal with root of rejection, your true potential for greatness will be hindered.
Rejection says, ‘you are not good enough’, ‘you are not attractive’, ‘you are not eloquent’, ‘you don’t belong in this category’, ‘no one loves you’, ‘no one cares for you’, ‘you will never make it.’ It’s time to ‘mash down that lie’! It is time to recognize and accept that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are great and you are going places – you are the head! You are bright! WALK IN VICTORY!

(Apostle Steve Lyston is a Biblical Economics Consultant and Author of several books, including End Time Finance and The New Millionaire)