sad woman hug her knee and cry feeling so bad,loneliness,sadness,nobody here. Designed by Freepik


2017 is a very significant year for every believer to rise up and fulfill their God-given purpose. We must walk in obedience according to Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 14 in order to receive the promise. Many persons have great expectations, but those will only come to fruition if we begin to change some things about ourselves now.

  •  We have to renew our minds daily
  •  Let our light shine
  •  Seek God daily
  •  Obedience to the instructions of the Lord


Prophetic Revelation

The Lord is showing me that the spirit of Incest will rise – especially that fathers will want to have sex with their daughters and uncles with their nieces. It is happening right across the board with families to destroy the institution of family and many are afraid to talk. We need to rise up against this spirit that is rising up to destroy the family. We also need to deal with the spirit of incest which is also destroying the church. Pastors and Bishops are ‘feasting’ on the flock so-to- speak and many of the churches sweep it under the carpet while they allow them to remain on the pulpit. But they must remember I Timothy 3. God is going to expose more of these issues. If we are the church and we are supposed to bring healing to the world, then it must start within the church. The spirit of Eli has to be broken and HOLINESS must reign if we are going to deal effectively with Perversion and the Spirit of Incest.

We also need to cry out against the Media, Hollywood who are promoting perversion and incest. It is extremely rampant, especially among Caucasians. Pray for Maryland. Pray against riots in Indianapolis Pray for the state of Alaska, as government officials are planning to go there regarding oil – potential problems. Pray for the souls of Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Jamaican singer Sanchez and Boy George. Pray also against a freak accident on Usain Bolt. He needs to seek the Lord and turn his life over to the Lord now. Single Christians need to read the story of Ruth in the Bible again and line up accordingly. Pray against meteorites creating havoc and against severe cosmic activities. Donald Trump needs to be wise regarding Russia. Russia is not his friend. There is a subtle plan to trap him and it can cause impeachment and topple his presidency. He needs to seek God as never before. The enemy will not come in a way to which he is accustomed. They are coming in suits and ties.