Recent happenings globally have brought the Church, once again, under scrutiny. The Church should understand by now that this is another distraction, and everyone should be on board to carry out the mandate. It is time to reform and govern, because the world has failed to offer any hope or solutions. It is no secret that a great deal of resources was put in to try to bring the Church down. It must be clear […]
READ MOREThe most dangerous things that can happen to a nation are moral and spiritual collapse. Our nation has been heading in this direction for a long time and now it seems to have accelerated toward this dangerous place. No doctor can effectively treat any illness or issue unless they have properly diagnosed the patient. Thereafter, they can begin to apply to correct remedy to ensure restoration of good health. Foundational Cracks There are many within […]
READ MOREPart 2 The 9 Gifts of the Holy is divided into 3 groups that I call Illuminative Gifts, Oral Gifts and Dominative Gifts. There are diversities of gifts but the same spirit. There are differences of ministries but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12: 4 – 5) The number 9 is significant and symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died at the 9th hour of the day It also represents the […]
READ MOREThe recent happenings within the People’s National Party (PNP) regarding leadership is a reflection of what is happening globally. It is critical that there be significant adjustments to leadership styles in dealing with the global happenings. The globe does not lack educated leaders, what the world lacks, however, are leaders with vision, revelation and common sense. The PNP needs leaders who will not be afraid to bow their knees in prayer. (Matthew 6: 33) There […]
READ MOREIt is interesting that everyone has jumped on the “Mandatory Vaccination” train. But then, we already knew this was coming since the Lord revealed it through several of our prophecies from the Lord. The Lord even told us that the vaccination would not work! Here are some questions that we need to ask: Are “Viruses and Vaccination” the new products on the market? Will more viruses be created for more vaccines to come on stream? […]
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