By: Apostle Steve Lyston Everyone wants to succeed and prosper! But not many are willing to qualify for that success! Hardship is the number one criteria. You may, for example, be told by your bank or financial institution when you are going through hard times, to write a Hardship Letter indicating the measure of difficulty you are having which hinders you from meeting your monthly, financial obligations! Don’t be ashamed to do so, because the […]
READ MOREWhen news broke regarding Kim Kardashian filing for divorce from Kanye West, it brought several things to light. It is a lesson for every Christian. While the global media is having a field day milking the story for all it is worth, and lawyers licking their lips, it is a sad situation for 6 years of marriage and 4 children. Undoubtedly, it has opened the door for great problems for them all as a family. […]
READ MOREThe eyes of many within the Church globally are finally being opened to see the plan of the anti-Christ, but many are still under strong delusion because they refuse to listen to the truth. As 2 Thessalonians 2: 9 – 11 says, “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not […]
READ MOREMany are inquiring about the 3-day blackout being foretold by many from 2020 to date, and the concern is intensifying. It is critical for us to understand the prophetic signs and symbols in these end times. God is speaking prophetically, but we must recognize that when He speaks it is incumbent upon us to look at His prophetic utterances from various angles in order to get a full understanding of what He is saying. First, […]
READ MOREMarch 2021 The Prophetic utterances given by the Lord through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio. We are in a time and season wherein we are seeing a shift taking place. Every sector is being shaken while God is perfecting His Church. He is calling the Body of Christ to be holy, faithful, steadfast and have continued persistence in prayer. This is the time that the Body of Christ […]
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