PROPHECIES RECEIVED IN THE FIRST QUARTER -2023 The Word of the Lord received by Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio. We are in a time of major restoration – many will be restored especially according to Malachi 4: 5 – 6 as we enter into spring. Many will receive new life, new mercy, new favor. Things will begin coming back to life. A time of new possibilities, miracles and breakthrough so get read. […]
READ MOREThe Book of Malachi is a good book to read particularly for families. It outlines God’s unchanging love for His people, as well as rebuke and exhortation. He also addresses, in no uncertain terms, the treachery of priests and laymen divorcing faithful wives and marrying heathen women who are idolaters. This is followed by a plea for them to guard their passions and to be faithful to the wife of their youth who was given […]
READ MOREIn the financial environment as it stands, we have seen many signs of financial instability throughout the globe, and so our choices will be critical. The Bible is the number one financial guide; and brings solutions to all economic issues that exist within any nation. Yet many ignore it and make plans to ban this book. Anyone that taps into the wealth that exists within the word of God will weather any financial storms that […]
READ MOREThe Prophetic Word of the Lord released through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Sophia DiMuccio, Rev. Ian Campbell. Many churches are going down for the true churches withe remnants to rise up for holiness and righteousness. • Pastors will be killed and slaughtered for the sake of the Lord’s word. Many prophets will flee. Pray for the true Pastors, Prophets, Bishops and Apostles • A great embarrassment is coming to a traditional church, a world […]
READ MOREHebrews 12: 1 – 2a says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, The Christian life is always referred to as running a race. (1 Corinthians 9: 24 and 2 Timothy […]
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