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2017 is a very significant year for every believer to rise up and fulfill their God-given purpose. We must walk in obedience according to Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 14 in order to receive the promise. Many persons have great expectations, but those will only come to fruition if we begin to change some things about ourselves now. We have to renew our minds daily Let our light shine Seek God daily Obedience to […]
READ MOREWISDOM OUTSIDE THE BOX Acts 14: 22 says “strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” A lot of Christians are failing and falling into apostasy because many do not want to entertain even the word ‘suffering’. To be honest, even if you Tithe, sow seed, decree and declare, fast and pray, the Lord will still allow you […]
READ MOREBy: Apostle Steve Lyston 12.26.2016 Joel 3: 21 says, “I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land.” What if men, especially political leaders would take both Biblical and Personal prophecies seriously? The gift of prophecy is […]
READ MOREWe have come to the close of the year and are on the verge of a new one, and we need now to give God thanks despite the challenges we have faced in 2016. Many have gone through pain, delay, disappointment and even loss of loved ones, but we must remain grateful to the One Who created us all. Many from the start of the year made resolutions; some we gained, some we lost. […]
READ MOREA celebrity impersonator of George Michael, singing at a nightclub. Original Post – Monday | December 29, 2014 Repost On Boxing Day, The Gleaner published the first two parts of prophecies for 2015 as delivered through Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, and Prophet O. Onesto Jolly. Today, we present the final part of the prophecies, which have generated much interest from believers and non-believers […]
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