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16 Nov

Unlocking the power of potential

  Managing a nation or a business in this era is not easy, with all the economic problems globally, environmental issues, in addition to the political demands of the peoples for their governments and business sectors to perform. With all that is happening in an effort to bring forth solutions, is it at all easier for mankind to reconnect to its original source of power? The problem we are facing is mainly a spiritual one […]

15 Nov

Volunteering brings wealth transfer

  Many people today are crying out for jobs and for changes in the nation. We all want economic change in the nation. With the various issues now affecting the nation and its economy, volunteering is one of the things that can help to uplift our nation and bring change. Money is not all and volunteering at every level is one way of conquering greed. Greed is one of the main causes of the nation’s […]

14 Nov

The problem with problems

We are in a critical period where there are problems in every direction – health, family, economic, sexual and numerous other problems, all stress-related. Even suicide has increased dramatically. Problems, problems, everywhere! Problems are gates to change. When a problem arises, it is an opportunity for change and it has the potential to give you solutions, bring out new ideas, wisdom and hidden gifts. Problems have the potential to increase your general capacity for problem […]

14 Nov

Prayer Breaks Recession!

Prayer is not a word that many like to hear, particularly in connection with the economy, financial systems and technology. However, it is interesting to note that prayer is the first wireless communication and has been around since the dawn of time. Furthermore, it has always been free and the only way it is ineffective is when it is not done with a pure heart. Prayer involves intercession, thanksgiving and petitioning. Petitioning is a formal […]

13 Nov

Take lessons from animals in building economy

There have been much debate worldwide regarding the instability and uncertainty of the economy. Debt, default, downgrades, deception, dollars and division are the order of the day. But the key ‘D’ we need to look into that causes all these to be at the fore today is disobedience. Administrations criticizing each other, and economists debating with economists about the best model to follow. But no one wants to deal with the root and the truth. […]