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There have been much debate worldwide regarding the instability and uncertainty of the economy. Debt, default, downgrades, deception, dollars and division are the order of the day. But the key ‘D’ we need to look into that causes all these to be at the fore today is disobedience. Administrations criticizing each other, and economists debating with economists about the best model to follow. But no one wants to deal with the root and the truth. […]
READ MOREREPENTANCE AFTER ELECTION Time for Action The US Elections have revealed the hearts and the state of God’s people. We are also seeing the focus of Christians today. We as Christians are to be the salt of the earth and we are the light that Jesus is depending on; but where is our discernment? As Christians, our mouths must speak and declare life, light, change and that God will reign over all nations. That […]
READ MOREWITHOUT A doubt, classism and racism are alive and are demons dividing society, as well as hindering growth and cooperation within the nation. The killing in Ferguson, Missouri, of Michael Brown on the heels of the killing of Treyvon Martin in Florida and Mario Deane in Jamaica, has opened a can of worms on the classism and racism that still runs strong in Jamaica. Since President Obama became the president of the United States of […]
READ MOREThe recent shootings in the United States of America has opened the wound again regarding racism and classism, and in order to deal with the situation, we must get to the root of it. However, it seems that nobody wants to get to the root of the matter. We must also look at every side. We need to look at parenting and the absence of fathers within many homes. We will need to look […]
READ MOREWISDOM OUTSIDE THE BOX You cannot get The Anointing or certain blessings unless you place value on the Anointing of your Leaders/Mentors. Many disrespect and dishonor the Anointing on their Leaders/Mentors and pay the price. Gehazi did it! Eli’s children also dishonored their father; they did not respect the anointing that was on their father! What should have been their birthright to be passed on to them was instead passed on to Samuel who was […]
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