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The family is the main underpinning element in the stability and growth of a nation. Without a proper familial structure within any nation, instability begins to eat away at many other facets in the society, including the economy. When families struggle, marriages come under a tremendous strain which affects their jobs! Ultimately, the economy is affected and, in turn, negatively affects families and marriages as financial pressures mount! Sadly for some, divorce ensues. From […]
READ MOREGrowing up in the country, we had a lot of mosquitoes. The biggest issue that would occur from that was dengue fever. Today, the mosquito has become one of the most dangerous and deadliest insects and could be labelled one of the biggest terrorists in existence. The World Health Organization, (WHO) says that more than one million people die each year as a result of mosquito bites loaded with diseases. They have quietly become more […]
READ MORERevelation 13: 16 – 18 says: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is […]
READ MOREWISDOM OUTSIDE THE BOX Many times people are calling out for help desperately, but the when you call out for help the answer is – He daily loads us with benefits. (Psalm 68: 19) Help comes to us each day, but many fail to recognize and to discern when help comes! Help comes when you get into God’s Presence! Many are too busy to get into God’s presence. You become spiritually bankrupt because you […]
READ MOREWISDOM OUTSIDE THE BOX Over the years I have seen people with great potential – personally and ministerially – get hit through the spirit of Balaam! The spirit of Balaam focuses on money honor accolades! They prey on weak, confused Christians and on those who have a little influence. They are the ones who are behind most church splits; and when you have promising leaders or armor-bearers rising up they are the ones who […]
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