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30 Oct

Brexit, The EU And The Apocalyptic Shift

“And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached[b] to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” Revelation 18: 4 -5. Why is the world shocked about Britain pulling out of the European Union (EU)? When Revelation 13, 17 and the Book of Daniel is clearly manifesting right before our eyes. Based […]

30 Oct


  Jude 7 – 11 We have been seeing quite a number of shifting taking place. It may be a surprise to some, but to those connected Spiritually it is not a surprise. There are a many things that will continue to take place that will surprise those who are not at the place Spiritually or continue to look at things based on logic. But we must be careful how we speak against dignitaries or […]

30 Oct

Too Much Negative Energy… We Need To Change Our Speech

  There is so much negativity that exists in the world today, that when someone says something kind or positive, we find it difficult to simply receive it. So, for example, if someone says: ‘Have a beautiful day’ or ‘It’s going to be a beautiful day’, the response to that will include – ‘What’s so beautiful about it?’. Do you see what is going on around you? Negativity has been dominating the world and many, […]

30 Oct

Does God Communicate With Mankind?

  From time to time, people will say, ‘Did God say so?’ or ‘Did God speak?’ Others will say, ‘God never said that to anybody; you’re telling me what you think?’ or ‘That is gibberish, nothing goes like that!’ Even better, ‘God does not work like that.’ So the question is, does God communicate with man? Only someone who is dead is unable to speak. Is God dead? Any teacher, professor or leader of an […]

27 Oct

Debt Free Is The Only Pathway To True Liberation

As we know, many persons are going through problems left, right and center. Some are on the verge of giving up, others want to commit suicide. Even teens are falling under the pressure. Globally, it is not a rumor, it is a fact we see first-hand. Every category is being affected – lawyers, doctors, teachers, pastors, laborers – even some bankers who desire to live right are feeling it now. Many say, “We have fasted, […]