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1. LEADERSHIP – It is very critical for the leaders of nations today to have a servant-leader quality and style in order to bring real change today; and with the pending US Elections, every candidate’s style of leadership should be taken into consideration. The leadership of any nation should rely heavily upon Godly instructions and should display true love for the people within a nation. 2. ECONOMIC – There will be continued economic instability […]
READ MOREWith all that is happening globally, and especially with the reports out of Venezuela that the people are now eating dogs and cats for survival due to extreme hunger and lack in that nation, without a doubt there is a global disaster coming. It is going to affect the Caribbean, and that includes Jamaica. It is the Church that should lead the economic revival, and it is imperative that we begin to teach people […]
READ MOREFasting is one of the most effective tools we have to help us achieve success and true prosperity. It brings solutions, healing and favour for individuals, nations and businesses. It also stops judgement on a nation. Once one understands the power and the secret embedded in fasting, then one is already on the right path for success. Years ago when I worked at a major organisation, it was faced with serious problems and no one […]
READ MORERevelation 13: 16 – 18 says: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the […]
READ MORE(Matthew 6: 33; Proverbs 31; Proverbs 18: 21; Ephesians 4: 26) 1. Seek God First especially when making financial, family and other major decisions! 2. Maintain unity within your household and have one vision for the family. Never compete with, but complement each other. 3. Come together, even 1 day each week – for family devotions, giving God thanks for the things He has done for you – both small and big things. Thanksgiving […]
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