Utilizing authority and power given to an individual, government, organization or group at any level is a serious matter. Locally and globally, authority at every level will be under scrutiny, particularly in the years ahead. Authority is given for the betterment of humanity and should be used accordingly. Many of the negative things happening here and overseas is the result of the abuse of authority. Not everyone can handle authority they have been given. For […]
READ MOREEveryone is now caught up in the election fever, but the key thing is not the election fever and the election itself; it is what will happen after the election! God has been speaking to many Jamaicans in dreams and visions – young and old from all walks of life regarding Jamaica. Some have been seeing vehicles or various airlines crashing. Others are seeing buses and planes while others are seeing in their dreams […]
READ MORENobody likes or wants to be sick, but as life happens – as technology and global pollution increase, things get more difficult and stress intensifies, our health comes under great attacks from all angles. The question is, are all parties in the health industry especially pharmacologists and research scientists more interested in treating rather than curing? Health Services are among the most lucrative industries and the most political. In fact, this is an issue I […]
READ MOREThe success of every secular government or leader depends on how they deal with the government of God. Many believe that their success is dependent on how they relate with other Administrations. No earthly king wants infertility. Every leader has to lead by example, so in order to be fruitful, they must support the government of God. It is the government of God that stands between the secular government and God to avert judgement on […]
READ MORE“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of […]
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