

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
(Romans 8: 37)

It seems that in this season, the testings and mountains seem harder to move than normal! The finances seem harder to come by, and it almost seems as if in this season of great blessing, the wells and rivers that ought to be running toward and through us have dried up!

But it is NOT true! Don’t let the enemy convince you that God is not coming through for you! Instead, think about this, if the enemy fights us so hard under normal circumstances, then of course he will fight us even harder in our season of great blessings! SO what should we do now? MAKE THE DECISION TO FIGHT BACK EVEN HARDER AND DO IT!

Declare the Word of God over your life; sow seed; fast and rejoice in praise and worship! Once you are seeking after God and have received a word from Him that your season is here or that He is going to do something for or through you—HOLD ON TO THAT WORD FOR DEAR LIFE AND FIGHT BY HIS SPIRIT! FIGHT! What He says is yours, IS yours! When the mountains are before you, speak to them without doubt (Matthew 21: 18—22) and keep moving! If you fall, get back up again no matter what anyone says!

Let us understand that once God says it is ours, it doesn’t mean that we sit back and wait for it, what it means is that we can move forward with surety to possess it for victory is sure—He will release it to us. The enemy can’t stop it! Remember the Word of God which says: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” While our mountain only occupies one area of our lives for a moment, we have vast lands to possess for God; don’t let mere mountains stop you!