Jude 7 – 11
We have been seeing quite a number of shifting taking place. It may be a surprise to some, but to those connected Spiritually it is not a surprise. There are a many things that will continue to take place that will surprise those who are not at the place Spiritually or continue to look at things based on logic. But we must be careful how we speak against dignitaries or persons in leadership. You never know if it is God Who is allowing it. Psalm 115: 3 says “…He does whatever He pleases.” God can allow any leader He chooses to rule a nation – whether they will deceive us in the future or whatever. If He can allow Castro, Saddam, Pharaoh, Obama, Mandela – then who are we to say Hilary or Trump is not being allowed to rule over this nation.
God Can Use What Man Calls Foolish
God will allow leaders – even if they win by default – for His purpose to put His people back in line or allow them to go into oppression that they will cry out and return to Him. He did it with the Children of Israel and He can do it again if He so chooses. Everybody should watch I Corinthians 1: 19 – 31, especially verse 19 which says, “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” There are many who believe that they are wise in their own eyes, and have forsaken the way of GOD! Some believe that they call the shots, but not so. What man believes is impossible is going to happen in this season.
One thing the Lord taught me a long time ago is never call anything or anyone rubbish, foolish, idiot, worthless or even garbage, because those are the things God will use to accomplish His will; and this is especially in this season! He said that no flesh will glory in His presence. (I Corinthians 1: 29) There are many Christians who have been speaking negatively about dignitaries and persons in leadership. You never know if they will be the ones that may have the pen in hand to approve or reject something for you according to the will of God.
Confounding The Wise
When we speak against authority, it defiles us and it will be used against us in the future. A lot of people are suffering now because of what they said in the past. A person can even become sick just by speaking against leaders and dignitaries. I was working at an organization once and someone new came in, but he was there in disguise to select a suitable leader. Several persons began to curse him and said all manner of things about him not being qualified; but he was sent by the owner with specific direction. I didn’t watch or follow the crowd; because the crowd isn’t always right. Only chickens move with crowds, eagles don’t. Guess what, God used him to recommend me for the post.
Christians and non-Christians, be careful of what you put out on Facebook; what you don’t understand, PRAY! If you are planning to vote in the next election, ensure that your vote is under God’s direction and for the future of your children. When a person falls and messes up, don’t be quick to condemn (Jesus taught that many times). If Saul never released his blessing upon David, what would have happened.? If Eli didn’t release a blessing on Hannah, would there be a Samuel? One generation needs the next, even when one messes up.
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