Crime is a very lucrative business locally and globally. It is of such that oftentimes, people instigate criminal activities in order to profit from crime. If crime were to be drastically reduced to a certain level, then automatically, many people would be out of business. No nation can successfully fight crime and win, unless they decide to include God and this is where Spiritual Intelligence (Spiritual Intel) comes in to play. Spiritual Intel is simply the employment of Biblical/Scriptural Principles and Prophetic Insight from God to deal with the issues that arise. We have seen Spiritual Intel at work in the Scriptures 2 Kings 6 and 2 Kings 3, where kings have had to summon God’s servants who provide the necessary intel, tactics, strategies, battle preparations and plans to defeat the enemy.

Oftentimes, those within crime-fighting are very arrogant and have big egos. They focus so much on man’s intelligence and technology, that they believe they are in control, but they are not; they can only work in their jurisdiction. 1 out of every 10 security personnel have the ability, and a gift for it, but they are not trained in that area of Spiritual Intel gathering in order to break the back of crime. Remember, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” (Psalm 127: 1)

Wrong Focus

Quite often, the focus is on the wrong area and on the wrong people. Many tend to ignore the root of the issue while unable to cut off the snake’s head. Security has become a big business now and everybody is bidding; and so, while some are simply focusing on filling up their resume in order to attain their aspirations of power, others are just waiting for something to go wrong in order to make sales. Crime is not just a local situation it is a global situation and our people are not more corrupt than others. Some of the biggest names globally are the ones behind the crime and they hide behind diplomatic immunity.

It is easy to blame the security forces for the high levels of criminal activity; but how do the members of the security forces deal with the problems above their pay grade? If we remove the perpetrators and put fresh new people – brighter and more qualified, but leave the system intact, then all it does is shift the problem from one set of people to the other and possibly become worse.

What Is Really Happening

To deal with crime we first need to recognize:

We are dealing with a situation of the heart, because everything – our motives – start in the heart.

Evil increases in a society when justice is unfair. (Jeremiah 22: 3). The very people we are supposed to protect are the very people we are trying to destroy.

So there are some questions we need to ask:

Are people being killed because others want to get their land?

Are people being killed because of what they know and the potential they have to expose certain truths?

Are the activities being orchestrated to undermine and acquire power?

Are we as a nation following a culture of death that exists in other nations which spiritually affects/influences crime?

Is the crime in our nation the result of money laundering and drugs, smuggling gold and diamonds, kidnapping, pedophilia, prostitution, gambling and sex trafficking?

What is the money from the criminal activities being used for – is it to maintain power?


In order to break the back of crime, we must begin to put those with Diplomatic and VIP statuses under surveillance, regardless of their origin and have them searched as well. We also need to engage in training police officers who are assigned to the airports, to function with a higher level of vigilance and alertness, even more so than those in regular security situations. So that the best must work in our airports. Furthermore, air martials need to be assigned to all aircrafts.

We cannot afford to deal with crime from a political standpoint, and politicians must be careful of how they treat the “small man” within the nations as if they are the only persons contributing to crime. We pray for all our crime fighters, because very shortly, they will be going after our crime fighters.