In the financial environment as it stands, we have seen many signs of financial instability throughout the globe, and so our choices will be critical. 

The Bible is the number one financial guide; and brings solutions to all economic issues that exist within any nation.  Yet many ignore it and make plans to ban this book.  Anyone that taps into the wealth that exists within the word of God will weather any financial storms that lie ahead.  For example, it speaks to us in times of famine and recession.  2 Chronicles 7: 13 – 14 teaches us 4 major keys and Numbers 21: 17 gives an additional key to deal with drought and recession. 

  • Prayer
  • Repentance
  • Humility
  • Research
  • Singing/Music

It is noteworthy that signing cures and breaks climate change.  There was a drought, and it was only through the singing and music that the drought was broken.

It also reminds us that sin brings climatic and financial problems, pestilence and the destruction of livestock and agriculture.  It also brings food shortage and very shortage.  We will see the destruction of animals and those who treasure pets so much will sadly see an attack of the health.  Some animals will go mad so that they will need to be “put down”.

Organizations that attempt to move God out of their organizations and nation and replacing Him with their New Age philosophies will bring a drought and nations and the economy, which will further bring the nation into famine, depression, and recession.  One of the biggest mistakes has been made globally by way of putting limitations on the Church.

Limitation on God’s Bride will bring darkness, dryness, famine and chaos.   This is why it is critical for any nation that will make certain decisions economically, politically, cannot exclude God and His Wisdom.  So they need to seek His true servants for direction.

Lack of Spiritual Water

When there is a lack of water spiritually, it indicates that the people are still not praising God and it impacts physically.  If the things that we would usually employ are ignored, then what would you expect?

Be Wise In Your Spending

The globe is entering into uncertain waters, so it is critical for God’s people to use Godly wisdom.  For example,

Be wise in our purchases.  Shop for the best price.  Buy in Bulk where you can.  It is more costly to purchase small amounts daily. 

Have savings, this is key! 

Buy less Fast Food.  You can make your own sandwiches and other meals on your own daily – and it will be healthier. 

Simple Things That Bring Poverty

  1. Lack of Vision
  • Laziness
  • Disobedience to the Word and God’s instructions.  Deuteronomy 28
  • Lack of Faith (Hebrews 11).  Faith without works is dead.
  • Unrenewed Mind.  Your mind must be renewed daily.
  • Living Above Your Means, that is spending more than what you are spending more than you are earning/getting
  • Lack of Understanding, and not differentiating between needs and wants.
  • Debt and high interest rates.
  •           Not giving to the poor.
  1. Living where there is a Lack of Unity.
  1. Lack of Knowledge, financial literacy, and training.
  1. Lack of Favor and Low Productivity.
  1. Underutilization of one’s gifts and talents.
  1. Lack of Honoring Godly Leaders.
  1. Not acknowledging that God is the One Who Blesses our Bread and


What Happens When Your Finances Dwindle

When the finances dry up, the first thing that many persons do is to cut back on the things of God, such as Tithing and giving to the poor.  That. However, is the biggest mistake a person can make.  They should instead try to find a way to give more. 

  1. Remember also, that Matthew 6: 33 says we must seek Him for new instructions.  In famine you must sow your way out!  Do not hold back.
  • Pray the Word of God – in other words – declare the Word of God you’re your finance daily.  For example, declare Psalm 50: 10 “For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.”
  • Increase your faith!  Ask the Lord to teach you about Insight, Hindsight and Foresight.

There are many benefits God gives us daily, but we must seek Him about how to live well in hard times.  He will speak.

Pray this Prayer:

Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you Lord for life, for strength and daily provision.  Grant me daily, hindsight, insight and foresight.  Help me to discern market conditions and to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit.  Daily load me with benefits and enlarge my territory.  Increase my customers, clients and sales with good profit margins.

I decree and declare that the Blessing of Abraham is upon me.  My bread is blessed, and my water is blessed.  My finances are blessed and whatever I touch shall prosper to the Glory of God.  I am blessed going out and blessed coming in and no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper.  There will be no lack in my life.  I am a child of God and I stand by your word.  The Land of Goshen belongs to me and I thank you for wealth transfer from the wicked to me in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.