Some of the new travel bans and travel protocols that have been and continue to be imposed will create a serious, negative impact on the travel industry globally, particularly the airline industry.
It is critical for decision-makers to think clearly about the decisions they are making. Many of these decisions regarding masks, screening imposition of COVID tests, health passports, vaccines, as well as tracking and surveillance, are not necessarily for the purpose of the COVID-19 pandemic. It would seem as if the COVID-19 pandemic situation is the platform for rolling out many of these plans currently being executed.
While many talk about “conspiracy theories” it is frightening that Revelation 13 outlines much of what is being implemented today. We can’t buy or sell unless we comply. Many of the new COVID protocols are being rolled out particularly in poorer countries, who are being held at ransom, so-to-speak, if they do not comply.
If decision-makers were putting enough effort in creating the solutions for the COVID-19 the way they are pushing for vaccines and other testing, the problem would have already been solved. Since the rollout of vaccines, we are seeing stocks jump, particularly in the travel industry as if many think the problem is solved by the vaccines. So, it pushes of stocks. However, if these decisions are not revisited quickly, they are going to destroy the travel industry. Less people will be interested in travelling – especially the poor. The cost to travel has become so expensive; that coupled with the new protocols will drive the industry into the ground. It will also affect the following:
Tourist industries – particularly in poorer countries
Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral Agreements among nations
Businesses – particularly small businesses
Unemployment Levels (increase)
Production Levels in Manufacturing
Real Estate
The decisions made will also affect the Agricultural and Food-related industries as well as the fuel industry. Furthermore, plazas will lockdown and be empty, five-star hotels will be closed, airports, car rental companies and car marts will be negatively affected; and in addition to this, so will the sports and entertainment industries. Ultimately, import, exports, The fallout will also bring an economic depression as the globe continues to ignore God’s principles for problem-solving.
While these issues may open new markets and opportunities for the rich to travel o their private jets, it may also open the door for human rights violations to make vaccines mandatory for pilots. That is a no-no.
Every leader – whether in a nation or an organization – has the responsibility to seek Divine Help to address this problem, rather than further demolish the economies and bring the globe into further depression.
In order to balance business and daily life while saving lives, it is critical to see things beyond the scientific. It is therefore critical for nations to bring into the equation, persons from different sectors and perspectives along with Divine help to garner solutions in these times. We must also ensure that the pandemic does not become a profit-making venture at the lives of others, as ever life – every soul – is valuable to God. What a man sows, he shall in fact reap.
Every country has the right to create their own solutions and not to follow a script. Remember, there are 193 nations that are each sovereign and must be allowed to function as such, regarding the decisions their governments make for their people. Nations need to stop hanging on to and accepting every single word coming from scientists, billionaires and so-called experts only with and taking what they say as the only solution. Furthermore, in our efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on airlines and other modes of transportation, we should not only look at the potential for profit-making, we should be focused mainly on servicing, maintenance and sanitization of the vehicles and equipment within the fleet and within the hotel industry, reducing the load sizes (in the same way they did for small businesses and churches). If we really want change, then there can be no double standards in protocol.
In addition to this, in an effort to stop the spread among flight attendants in the airline industry, then airlines will need to hire more attendants, increase the salaries and insurance, while having shorter hours for flight attendants, instead of putting the pressure on a few.
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