Man wearing face mask against airport departure board. Themes coronavirus, canceled flights and personal protection.

Lockdowns everywhere. Fear, shortages and riots in some places. In the midst of it all,
there are some serious questions that need to be answered. No one should use the
current status of the world today as a political platform, because it will not be an easy
road ahead.
I have been warning for many years – in articles, through books and prophecies – which
can be found in the Gleaner’s archives. While the Gleaner may be quarantining my
articles recently, if we are not willing to deal with or face the truth, then how are we
going to find the solutions? Are we willing to listen? Our “expert” advisors are so
arrogant that they refuse to listen. Are we prepared to deal with the next phase of the
coronavirus and how it will impact the economy – especially investors! I know may in
the business community don’t usually want to hear the truth because they believe it will
negatively impact the economy. But if fear and panic on one issue can negatively
impact the economy, then the economy was built on sand.

Not even the WHO (World Health Organization can tell us how this virus operates. The
CDC (Center for Disease Control) is working frantically, while countries are going into
lockdown mode one-by-one is if to follow some unwritten code of conduct – almost as if
they are following each other. So, if each country is sovereign, and each has an
independent health system, where is the creativity in dealing with the virus.
If there are so many people getting infected, then this disease must be airborne. If that
is so, then what is the purpose of “social distance” at this point? This is the time we
should be touching and agreeing for Divine intervention to spare our economy and that
the viruses and the plagues will pass over. This is the time for nations to be calling
prayer and fasting asking God to send a West wind to remove the East wind of death
and destruction. Isn’t this the time for people to get outside of the building for sunlight
and air to recover faster? Does anyone know what the incubation period of this
disease? Can this virus affect vegetables and other foods and fruits? Is this disease
biological in nature? Should we be boiling our vegetables for a certain period of time to
ensure safety? Is this disease affecting animals? Is animal meat safe for consumption?
Should we be boiling our foods and meat for 10 minutes at least in order to get rid of the

Seeking Divine Intervention
Unless global leaders get all stakeholders at the table and seek Divine intervention,
then we are on the course of greater calamity regarding the economy. God created the
economy before He created man. To that end, isn’t God qualified to instruct nations on
what to do in this crisis? If we refuse to listen then a new market will be created.

Building Permits and Capacity will be affected
Forced Vaccinations and Population Control will take place
Counterfeit vaccines and tests that will give inaccurate results
Famine and recession will accelerate
Food and drinkable water shortage will happen
Expand the military number to curtail the movements of the people and avoid riots
Default in Loan Payments to countries like China and as such open the door for China
to own the countries and control the Global Economy.
For churches that believe it is okay to be complacent now and depend solely on online
broadcasts, they will soon begin to charge where it was once free of charge.
Furthermore, they will be censored. In fact, it has already begun. We should never
forsake the assembling of the brethren together.
Every nation’s number one priority should be farming – for the sake of survival. It is not
business as usual.
Oil prices must be drastically reduced.
Doesn’t the church qualify for a stimulus package since they too are required to pay
mortgage and staff?
How sure are we that those who have received the vaccine for the coronavirus
administered by some countries will not relapse?
Isn’t it time for us to focus on Revelation 22: 2 and Ezekiel 47: 1 – 12 regarding Divine

It is time for global leaders to unite and stop pointing fingers – so we can prevent a
global recession.