Genesis 3: 23 says, “therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.”

Farming and shepherding were the first jobs given to men, yet they are the most underrated professions.  We are currently in a time when food insecurity will be the number 1 priority.  It is quite disappointing that digital (crypto) currencies and Artificial Intelligence are the current focus.  There are many who are farming, but no longer apply the teaching and knowledge of God to the profession.  For example, there are many today who are looking for a harvest but have never planted anything. In addition to that, much of the food we eat are genetically modified and are dangerous for human consumption.

As we read Isaiah 28: 23 – 29, it becomes clear that the key to success is the ability to hear the voice of God before any sowing can take place.  Plowing has to take place – in fact, Sowing and Plowing go together.  Spiritually-speaking there are many who have planted into grounds that were never ploughed.  Digital currency is one such example.  Anything which does not come from the ground, is not profitable.  Hence, there needs to be revelation.  Recognize that the level of detail that the Holy Spirit went into to describe how the farmer prepared his land and planted his seed, illustrates the level of detail involved in God’s preparation of the spiritual soil of Judah during that time. The voice of God and His Word are needed in every job God gives us.  So, we must carry out farming and shepherding – physically and spiritually without causing damage.

The prophet goes no further, but leaves his disciples to draw the conclusion that God’s own method of work will be similar to the farmer’ threshing of wheat.

Lessons From The Sycamore

When we look at the life of Amos, we see that he was a farmer and a shepherd. God used Amos because he understood concerning harvest and Godly principles.   But interestingly, he also dressed the sycamore tree.  (Amos 7: 14)  Even more interesting is the fact that the sycamore tree is also what Zaccheus stood on to get Jesus’ attention.  Furthermore, Zaccheus was wealthy, and the sycamore represented strength protection, divinity and eternity.  It also has to do with abundance, and is distinct from the other fig trees.)

We Can Learn From The Field

Farming on the outside is the best way to hear God’s voice.  He speaks to us through farming.  It is critical that every leader – financial, business-wise, political and so on –before they are elevated into certain positions,  farming and shepherding should be compulsory for them to learn. Many of the biblical leaders and gamechangers were farmers and shepherds. 

In order to manage a nation or a business, we must know times and seasons, just as the farmer does.  The farmer must know when to plant, when to rest the soil, must understand the law of gleaning. They must also know what to plant and the different times and seasons.

The Word of God is the written instruction of God to teach man.  As a leader, one cannot be successful without the Word of God.  Isaiah 28: 26 reminds us:

“For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him.”  It is critical for us all to look at the words “instruct” and “discretion”.

God teaches the man how and when to farm and how to shepherd, and through that, teaches him to lead.

There are not many new revelations simply because man is not seeking Him nor looking to Him anymore, they seek for their answers from a science lab.   Oftentimes we focus on eating healthy, but don’t focus on the quality of the soil.  The soil quality is what affects our health, physically and spiritually.  In Biblical Economics, the quality of the soil determines the reward and the return on seed sown, in the same way we would look for return on investment.

Learn From Noah

The revelation of God To Noah in those days changed the game so-to-speak, because while farming was done on land, God taught Noah how to farm on a boat not only for the benefit of his family but also for the entire animal population that was on board as well and maintain that for the entire time the boat was afloat.  The logistics and storage were key; and as it was in the days of Noah, so it should be in our world today.  Was Noah engaged in Divine Logistics, Recycling of Water through Reverse Osmosis?  Did the Lord teach him how to desalinate the salty water and make it drinkable?  What other lessons can we learn from Noah? In having all those animals on the ark, did Noah become the first Veterinarian on a boat? What new ideas and revelation can we receive from the Lord?