Many times, people ask the question, “Why are Christians struggle so much financially?”  others ask the question, “Why do the unsaved prosper more than Christians?”  Let us reason.

While God told us in His word that we are the head and not the tail as His people, the question is, “Are Christians walking in obedience to His Word and instructions, particularly in the area of dealing with wealth?”

The key to prosperity lies in our daily choices.  Are we obeying the Lord and following is instructions when He speaks?  Do we tithe?  Do we give to the poor?  All these play a part in wealth accumulation.  Sadly, many of the unsaved practice the principles of the Word of God more so than Christians do. 

Millionaires value time.  Christians and the poor don’t value time.  It is said that the poor value money more than they do time until they get the revelation of the value of time.  Millionaires may not value God within their time, but they must remember that according to Deuteronomy 8: 18, God is the One Who gives everyone of us the power to get wealth.  If the rich would spend a few hours before the true God, then we would have less problems globally. Trying to be independent of God like the rich will hinder us from being upgraded with the latest tactics and strategies, revelation and ideas that bring true growth. 

The number one resource for true success is the Holy Spirit. He is the greatest Gift given to man by Jesus.  We must seek the Holy Spirit to help us manage our time daily, so that He can help us organize our priorities on a daily basis.  (Zechariah 4: 6). 

If Christians are going to see changes in their finances, we must manage our financial statements.  For example, we must have a simple income and expenditure budget, so it means will need to focus on the needs, not the wants, on a monthly basis.  

Things That Can Hold Us Back

A negative mindset

Laziness/Making a lot of excuses and procrastinating.  They

always put things to the next day when it can be done today.

Fear and lack of faith


Faith but no works

Lack of Prayer and not reading the Word.

Trying to be like others instead of being themselves.

Unwilling to make personal sacrifices and put in hard work for success.

The Millionaire Mindset

The millionaire mind focuses on investment, the poor focus on savings.  Savings don’t add up to much, however, with an investment greater value is added with greater turnover.

The millionaire mind turns problems into money; the poor complain about the problem.

The millionaire mind, has vision and sees potential within the discarded; the poor does not.

The millionaire mind counts the cost when engaging in a new venture and makes room for expansion; the poor does not.

The millionaire mind reads everything they can to empower themselves.  They use social network and other forms of technology as marketing tools.  Meanwhile, the poor watch TV all day, and gossip on the phone.

The millionaire mind values their mailing list.  The poor doesn’t have one.

The millionaire mind strives for excellence; the poor settle for mediocre.

The millionaire mind is determined and does not stop until they achieve their goal.  The poor give up on the first or second try.

The millionaire mind uses the politicians to their advantage, the poor depend on the politicians so the instead the politicians use them to their advantage.

The millionaire mind focuses on long-term plans, goals and objectives; the poor focus on a little cash or quick money.

The millionaire mind goes to school to learn how to be a owner, the poor goes to school to learn how to get a job and be an employee.

So in order to change our environment and change our financial situation, our mindset must change.