The world is in panic and fear because of the global Coronavirus pandemic.  We are also seeing the locust plague affecting several regions, and by extension the entire globe, particularly the food supply for many nations.  Prices are rapidly rising – almost out of control.   Furthermore, the entertainment and sports industries are taking a hit and many economies are now saying we have entered a recession.  The question is, could God be speaking to us through the virus?  Many leaders throughout the globe have refused to listen to the voice of the Lord, abide by His word, and they have been mistreating the poor, the fatherless and the widow.

Climate Change

The Bible shows us that God speaks to people in many different ways – the wind, the whirlwind, storms, viruses, and plagues including locusts, as in the Book of Exodus.  Furthermore, the Books of Joel and Revelation speak to us about horses, seals and trumpet.  Different catastrophic events and happenings that would happen in the end time to get man’s attention are what we now call “Climate Change.”  It is critical that the world embrace and experience a lifestyle change to have positive occurrences.

Lifestyle Change

Global leaders and the elite have created systems to put man in bondage.  Today, as it was in the time of Moses, God has allowed ten plagues to hit the earth to tell the Pharaohs of the day, “Let My People Go!”  God is dealing with the modern-day Pharaohs and what they call their gods. 

The ten plagues then, were God’s confrontation of their gods and belief systems, and symbolized fullness of the moral laws of God and the fullness of His justice and judgement.  He also showed His power to save and deliver.  Through the plagues, God was showing that the power of all prosperity came from Him.  The belief in every god that the Egyptians served was confronted by the True and Living God through each plague, because each plague addressed a specific god’s so-called span of “control.”  For example, Heqet was regarded as the goddess of fertility, water and renewal and was depicted in Egyptian culture as a frog or a woman with the head of a frog.  Thus, God sent the plague of frogs as a reminder that He was the one in control and not Heqet. 

Hapi was the god of the Nile.  God caused the water to turn into blood and no one could explain it or fix it but God – not Hapi; thus reminding every person Who was in absolute control.  Seth was the god of the desert, foreign lands, thunderstorms, eclipses, and earthquakes and so the Lord hit Egypt with the desert locusts – found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  Egypt is the country that links Northeast Africa with the Middle East.

The Negatives and Positives of Viruses and Plagues

As the coronavirus fears rise, so will the demand for alternative healing and medicine.  God will become the focus again.  (Revelation 22, Revelation 47)

The Bible, in particular, the Books of Exodus, Daniel, Joel and Revelation will become the focus. 

New levels of unity will come to the fore.

Families will be restored

Wealth Transfer and fair distribution of the resources will begin

New laws will pass regarding health and security. 

A change will take place in the global economy

Famine, Bankruptcy, Shortage of Food and Medicine will take place – which is spoken of in Revelation and Daniel (the four horses) will take place.  In fact, it has already begun.

Changes will take place in the banking system in order to facilitate a cashless system.  Interestingly, the W.H.O. recently made the announcement that money carries/spreads the virus.

Farming will become a priority again as the first profession and nations that capitalize on that will rise to economic power.

Oil and Communications industries will experience great demands and glitches in supply and trade.

Homeschooling will be the order of the day.

Entertainment and Sports industries will need to restructure

Working from home will increase and commuting to work will reduce.

We will see global changes where people will become more creative.

Common sense, compassion and maturity will come to the fore again.

Materialism will no longer be the number one focus, but people will begin to crave a deeper understanding of their purpose.