The Book of Malachi is a good book to read particularly for families.  It outlines God’s unchanging love for His people, as well as rebuke and exhortation.  He also addresses, in no uncertain terms, the treachery of priests and laymen divorcing faithful wives and marrying heathen women who are idolaters.  This is followed by a plea for them to guard their passions and to be faithful to the wife of their youth who was given to them by the Lord.

We have seen for ourselves that the divorce rate is skyrocketing and this is so even and especially among Christians.  Oftentimes, the central culprit for the divorce is money.  Even nations are now falling apart because they have prioritized money over family.  When the security budgets and the anti-Christ agenda have been put to the fore, ahead of marriage and family – it is clear to see that the nations are in trouble.

Psalm 89: 14 says, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face.”

This is the pillar of every nation and family.  This is why we must pray for righteous leader who fully support the family and know well the importance of building and supporting strong families.

Focus On These Things

Avoid comparisons.  Many times, a person will look down on their spouse and only focus on their shortcomings.  They may not have money, but they display time and love, which leads to a healthy marriage.  There are many with a lot of money, but they don’t spend a lot of time with their spouse and family.  Unity and respect are the keys to a successful marriage. 

Malachi 2: 16 says, “For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce, for it covers one’s garment with violence,” says the Lord of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.”

God And Covenants

God is serious about covenants.  When two people marry, God stands as a witness to the union.  Covenants speak of faithfulness and enduring commitment.  Divorce is a violent act to God’s intention. 

When a covenant is broken, it brings judgement and penalties to the family and to everything to which it is connected.  When God wants to do something he makes a covenant.  (Genesis 6). That is why God could protect Noah.  The Ark was protected by a covenant with God.  The giving of a token – the ring – is a sign to seal the covenant.  (Genesis 9: 9 – 11).

There is also: 

  • Covenant between God and the earth, as well as God and man – hence the Rainbow. (Genesis 9: 8 – 17).
  • Biblical covenant, including the covenant sacrifice with the shedding of blood, covenant meals (Genesis 8: 20)

We also see a final establishment of covenant in Genesis 9: 9 & 13.

Further to this, God cannot make a covenant with anything that is not clean, and this is the reason we see such detail in His instructions about giving burnt offerings. 

All this being said, everything must be done to maintain your covenant.  When a covenant is broken it is very serious.

No Competition

Married Spouses should never compete with each other.  Instead, they must complement each other.  They should not speak down to each other in the presence of their children, especially where they speak negative words concerning each other.  For example, a husband may tell his wife “Leave, you Jezebel!”  But in doing so they have released a curse over their wife and themselves as there isn’t a Jezebel without an Ahab.  So, kind words are key!

The man is not a woman, and the woman is not a man; and as such one does not function like the other.  Many women have a lot of issues like the spirit of rejection, fear and the experience of verbal abuse.  The man must be more patient toward his wife; and whenever arguments arise, they must stop and pray.

Husbands and wives must walk in unity with each other – having the same financial goals, spend wisely, where it applies, they need to file their taxes together, ensure that they take care of the child/children who are outside of the marriage.  They must not hide financial secrets from each other.  All these can significantly affect the marriage.

Always remember that one’s marriage is important and do everything to protect it.  Seek counseling where necessary.  Spend time with the family and treasure every moment you spend together.