Proverbs 6: 16-17 reminds us, “These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,”
This Scripture says it all. The world continues to break out in disease, disaster, destruction, and in the midst of all that, the shedding of innocent blood continues; and the blood cries out from the earth.
The shedding of innocent blood is taking place for many reasons.
These are some of the main reasons.
When disaster hits a nation, oftentimes the number one cause is the shedding of innocent blood. What many don’t understand is that blood has a voice and when it is shed it cries to God for justice. That being said, when a child is aborted, those who are advocates for abortion in this nation and all those involved in the process have blood on their hands. If you kill them outside or inside the womb, you are still a murderer and blood is on your hands.
Many talk about legalizing abortion to prevent what we call unsafe abortions; but there is no such thing as a safe abortion – they are all unsafe and they need to stop the lies. So if you throw a live child in a garbage bin, or take their lives while in the womb, what is the difference?
Leviticus 17: 11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” (See also Genesis 4: 10 – 11)
When the One Who gives life hears the cry of the innocent blood, there are curses released upon those who shed the blood and they become vagabonds and fugitives. Furthermore, even the farming community becomes affected because the earth is affected. The scripture says that the earth no longer yields the way it should.
The Spirit of a Vagabond
A vagabond is someone who wanders from place to place without a home or a job – they have no settled home. This is the same spirit that affects people who have no settled church home – who wander from church to church. The same is true of those who can’t keep a job. The word fugitive also carries a similar meaning.
We often see people suffering greatly financially, emotionally or otherwise and the Lord revealed that the root cause of it will be the shedding of innocent blood. Abortion is also one of those things that fall under that category. So, when one sheds innocent blood there are legal portals open for many problems – sickness, poverty and such things. Did you know that what is now called climate change, is the result of the shedding of innocent blood?
Climate Change
Leviticus 18 outlines to us that many issues will bring defilement to the earth and different categories of sin as well. Defilement of the earth cause defilement, which will bring a cleansing including earthquakes on the earth and under the sea – tsunamis, tidal waves, volcanic eruption. In the Book of 2 Kings, we see that barrenness was upon the land and the water was bad. So, the prophet of God had to bring healing to the land and ultimately to the city; because there was a cycle and it had to be broken in order for the city to experience true prosperity.
Unless there is global repentance, and major cleansing of the blood shed, we are going to see a lot of disasters take place over the next 6 months onward.
It does not matter how bloodshed was carried out, nor does it matter who was behind nor who pulled the trigger, nor does it matter if we pass laws to kill the unborn, nor the level of witchcraft involved, nor through deliberate medical acts, nor activities to control population – all involved have blood on their hands.
Failing To Warn Against Sin
There are many within the Body of Christ, and in particular, in the Fivefold Ministry, those whom God has given the gifts to speak against sin, and to warn the city. Ezekiel 3: 18 says “When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.” (See also Ezekiel 33: 8) So, blood is also on the hands of those who God has given the charge to warn of the shedding of innocent blood but instead compromise.
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