The COVID-19 pandemic with the lack of solutions and lack of leadership at the global level has exposed to us that there needs to be new wine.  Many over the decades have spent more time seeking the wisdom of the world, while ignoring the Presence of God; hence the problem that now exists.  We are not qualified to deal with those problem, because we as mankind, lack the spiritual depth and Godly wisdom to deal with those problems, so deception and the unclean things become the solutions that we employ daily.

Many believe that things will soon go back to normal and things will continue as they were before – but they will not.  We must have a new mind for the New Wine that will be poured out in the earth.

The New Wine

Wine represents prosperity, joy, the Holy Spirit, and also symbolizes blessings, healing, gladness and celebration as well as fresh harvest and also judgement.

Wine brings transformation.  By allowing our minds to be renewed, we are positioning ourselves to receive the new wine from God.  From the new wine, we will receive new ideas, new love, new relationship with God.  It will bring greater intimacy with Him and give us new direction.

Each time we pray to God for a change within the globe, He answers us by pouring out the New Wine., but to receive that New Wine, you must prepare for the transformation.

The Bible shows us several instances of the New Wine, and in this time, when the people cry for change, He never fails to deal with the need of the people. 

In John 2: 7 – 9, when Jesus was at the well, there was a need, because there was no more wine for the wedding. Jesus moved supernaturally – turning water into wine – something that had never been done or seen before.  Once there is a demand, He will always work a miracle.  The Holy Spirit will never fail in time of need.  The people of God need to make demands on God for change, for political direction.  We MUST have faith.

For us to “qualify” for the New Wine, we must go through the pressing, the squeezing and the crushing.  We must allow the Lord to lead and we follow.  Most times we are the hindrance to change when God is changing things.  Our old ways, cannot deal with the new move; we must begin to see things as God sees it.

In the book of Acts, many of Jesus’ disciples were mocked as being drunk, but they were not.  It was the New Wine.  Many are trying to fit the new and the old together and it cannot work.  The New Wine will only work by faith.  Amos 9: 13 says, “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “When the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.”

What The New Wine Brings

Many have been suffering and some want to give up, but a time is coming when your dreams and goals will become reality.  You may shed tears, but a time of joy, celebration and gladness is coming.

With the New Wine, comes new oil, wheat, rain and restoration.  It brings favor, grace, shifting, miracles, healing – a new package!

Deuteronomy 33: 28 says, “Then Israel shall dwell in safety, the fountain of Jacob alone, in a land of grain and new wine; His heavens shall also drop dew.”  (See also Genesis 27: 28; Deuteronomy 11: 14; Jeremiah 31: 12 – 14 and Luke 6: 38)

The New Wine also brings greater unity and strength.

It is critical that for the next six (6) months we continue to press in for the major changes taking place globally.  This is one of the greatest seasons for those who are willing to press in, and to birth new things.

There will be global shaking and bankruptcy, but those with the New Wine will receive the solutions.