We are in constant fights. We fight for our faith, family, finance, character and even for our purity. We fight the spiritual forces of evil and even to maintain our love for our Savior. We also must fight to maintain our health and to overcome things like depression, low self-esteem and confidence. But as we go through our daily routine, we cannot afford to succumb. We are in the race and we must not stop until we win that race – whatever it takes. There can be no reward or medal unless you stay in the race. The more fierce the battle is, the greater the reward.

We cannot fight or walk sitting down, and so we are admonished to stand. God says “Stand”.  Remember that there is no victory without a battle – no winning without the fight, and the greatest fight we are going through right now is the fight within our minds.

Keys To Remember In The Fight

Each day, many wake up asking the questions, “Why am I here?  What is my purpose? Who am I? Am I good enough?” The guilt and the condemnation that many battle within the mind and from the past as well as the doubt and unbelief that plagues is often the root of much depression and oppression, but you must fight to rise above it all.

Always remember, the enemy will always attack when you are on the verge of promotion or change.  Stop believing the voice that lies, telling you that you are too old, not good enough, and all that.  Winston Churchill, late Prime Minister of England never stopped fighting until he became Prime Minister on two occasions – in 1945 after the World War when he was 66 years old and again in 1951, when he was 77 years old.

Never be weary, fearful or faint-hearted when you are in a battle.  Remember Deuteronomy 20: 4 which reminds you that God will go before you and fight for you.  Recognize that without the lies being told, without the enemies, without your Goliath, you will not get to your destiny.  Attacks are inevitable and always come when you are next in line for something big.

Positive Words

Always speak positive words when you are in battle.  Your positive confession can determine the outcome of the battle.  Stay away from doubters.  All men fall but the great ones get up.  When you get knocked down don’t stay down, you are on the verge of the greatest comeback.

Get to know and remember the story of a boxer named Danny Williams, holder of the British heavyweight title.  He made a comeback with one hand – the other was broken and they told him he was finished.

Soccer enthusiasts should never forget Barcelona’s comeback – one of the greatest in any championship league.  They came back from four goals down to beat Paris St. Germain.  In 2012 Sweden came back and levelled against Germany.

In this 2022 World Cup Soccer, there is much shock and awe as many big names have had to go home including Spain, Mexico, and Germany.

Encourage Yourself

Sometimes in battle you have to encourage yourself.  You must see yourself the way God sees you.  Not everyone will be there to encourage you. You have to encourage yourself.  Never let go of your dreams and visions.  You may be broke now, but you are on the verge of your greatest comeback, and all haters and doubters will see your comeback.

Never focus on your battles, your bills, your mountains or how you feel more than the God we serve.  There is always something you have in your hands or within your household that will allow you to win the battle.

Never despise small things or small beginnings when you are in a battle.  God always allows us to use the small things to defeat big enemies.  Your profits, sales and margins may be down, but you are about to comeback.

The key during certain seasons of battle is to know the season you are in, and how to operate.  Sometimes we have to keep silent or stand still within a season  (Exodus 14: 14).

Never forget the story of the Red Sea and Moses.  It may seem as if you are on the verge of drowning, but you are about to have the greatest comeback.  Remember, you are born to win.