Problems are everywhere and there are times problems are the order of the day. Hardship, job loss, betrayal, disappointment, sickness, financial problem, relationship problems, divorce, threat of exposure, and blackmail are real and many are falling under the pressure. When it seems as if there is no way out of your situation, the enemy always tries to convince a person that suicide is the best option for you and that by taking your own life the problem will be solved. THAT IS NOT SO! That is deception. Committing suicide means your problems have just begun. There is no repentance in the grave. Hebrews 9: 27 says, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment”
We must recognize that in the midst of problems there is always a way. So when problems overwhelm us, we must give Him the burdens. As 1 Peter 5: 7 says, “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” One meaning for the word “cast” is “the act of throwing something forcefully.” So, throw your problems to the Lord, because He is ready to take your yoke and your heavy burden. (Matthew 11: 28)
When problems come, He wants us to seek Him in all things. (Matthew 6: 33) Many fail to seek God for solutions, they prefer to seek the wrong source that would create greater problem. Know that, in the midst of problems, Prayer and Fasting work! Furthermore, there are other keys of wisdom in the Holy Bible that work. You can also seek anointed women or men of God who will help you to walk through the problem.
Oftentimes the enemy convinces people that the problem is too personal and private to ask anyone for help. REJECT THAT THOUGHT, IT IS A LIE!!!
Remember that every problem has an expiration date, and that just by reading this article by faith, this may be the very date your problem expire.
Oftentimes people get attacked when they are on the verge of something great; and that is where you will hear his voice the loudest.
Always remember, whatever you have lost, God can restore in a moment. Never forget job. There is Job chapter 1, but there is also a Job chapter 42.
God is the God of Restoration, and He will give us double for our trouble.
If your spouse walks away, God will give you better.
If you lose your job, God will give you better
There is no material thing that is greater or of more value than your life. So, why take your life. Always think of those who are depending on you; those looking for your continued help and support. You may not think your life is of any value, or that you are not positively contribution to anything, but that is when your life is making an impact to many others around you.
The Power of Prophecy
Prophecy is one of the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and it can be used to bring deliverance in times of problem. Nothing is wrong with seeking a Word of Prophecy that will bring encouragement, edification and blessing. This gift can give you direction to solve your problems. The breaking of curses gives hope, brings healing. Never forget King Hezekiah, and how God used it to bring healing and longevity.
God’s servants are anointed to speak a word of prophecy that can bring down any obstacle in your path, plant new things and can also be use as a time clock of end time events.
Remember, there are many resources in the Kingdom including Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom that God will use to help us when we are facing a crisis. Hence, your situation may not be as bad as you think. Embrace life and cancel suicide. You are next in line for your blessing!
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