There are many relationship problems that have been taking place, many of which lead to abuse and death. From time to time people come forward and have much to say about these issues but oftentimes we have to wonder if they really seek to find out the real root cause in order to truly solve the matter. Domestic violence is one such area of immense concern, but we need to determine the root of this issue in order to effectively deal with it.
Family is the most important thing in any nation, but is given the least attention. Most of the problems in existence today stem from a broken family situation.
Hard Truths To Face
First, we need to address the ever-increasing number of Common-Law Relationships within the nation. Whether we want to accept it or not, Common-Law relationships establish wrong covenants and create un-Godly soul ties which ultimately affect our nation and its growth negatively. It is very disappointing that both the media and the national political hierarchy have turned a blind eye to it. They themselves are married, but they are not encouraging others to do the same. In fact, many encourage common law relationships, but make loud declarations about coming out of poverty. How can we come out of poverty if we are not properly aligned and functioning in proper order?
Second, the abuse of our women has become rampant within our society. However, we must as a nation, realize and accept that abuse is not only meted out to the women in our society. Men are also victims of abuse.
The lack of support for our women in the society drives many of our women into unhealthy relationships with others and of particular interest are the relationships with older men – the “sugar daddies” – who would spend a great deal of money on them. They then dump these older men in favor of relationships with younger men, and in some cases, that leads to murder, or murder/suicide.
Furthermore, the lack of counselors drives many men to seek advice from bartenders and those in prostitution, and some of those women would encourage them to go home and “deal with” their women. Sadly, there are some women who welcome the beatings because it is an indication to them that the men care about them somehow.
It is interesting to note that many of the men who abuse women were themselves abused and their mothers were also abused, as they grew up without their own fathers and were at the mercy of stepfathers or other males in their home.
It is critical for every stakeholder within the nation, the political hierarchy and the Church to unite and create programs that will empower and uplift the family in a balanced fashion – that is, both male and female instead of passing laws that are biased against the men, promoting abortion and engaging in other activities that fight against the family as God ordained it.
It is important to create a place of shelter to temporarily house those who are abused and having Spirit-Filled Chaplains who will carry out counseling and rehabilitation.
There needs to be free education extended to deal with the Family, and in particular to teach about Parenting.
Conflict Resolution
A campaign needs to be launched and carried out to deal with those in Common-Law relationships with a view to them getting married or being set on the right path. A separate Ministry Portfolio in the Government that deals directly with Family, where the head of that Ministry is married and can set an example.
There should be tax incentives given for those who are married.
The same marketing approach that is taken to promote the vaccine should be employed to encourage marriage and healthy family relationships. In the same way they spend money, do giveaways and advertisements – should be devoted to building strong families. Invest heavily in eradicating the virus of Common-Law Relationships; censor all news and advertisements that use famous people to promote Common Law relationships and children being born out of wedlock.
Give a Marriage Allowance to all Civil Servants. This will encourage all Civil Servants as well as the Security Personnel; and have a Private Sector initiative to join the fight. It would be one of the biggest transformations in the nation, and also the solution for crime reduction.
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