The current conflict between Russian and Ukraine has opened the door for many things to happen. First of all it is not surprising as this is the Shemita year; this is the year that there will be a shaking of empires.
The Fight For Superpower Status
The division between the Democrats and the Republicans in the USA has leveled the playing field, and many Western nations now have the opportunity to become the global leader of the West. These nations also have the ambition to become the most militarily dominant nation. They also want to replace the US Dollar and become a global economic superpower – Russia, China and many others are at the top of the heap.
Americans have spent a great deal of time trying to destroy each other from within. America has trampled on the grace God has given them to be the Superpower they have become; however, they have been infiltrated by the Babylonians. They have adopted the Babylonian lifestyle and have exchanged God for Ba’al. If American is to remain on top, then it is critical for them to rebuild the broken altars. They must repent for abortion, racism, classism, and every other kind of prejudice and division in which the people of the nation have been engaged into date.
The Bear and The Dragon
While Russia and China are uniting to compete against America, it is critical for one to understand that a Bear and a Dragon cannot dwell together. While the Bear and the Dragon compete against the Eagle for the spoils and the resources, there is also a major underlying fight to change political and psychological ideologies at the same time.
If you take a good look at what is happening these days, you will see evidence of socialism dressed as capitalism taking the forefront. There is also a plan to weaken the Trans-Atlantic Partnership.
Ideological Changes
Both the Bear and the Dragon have capitalist economies, but a communist/socialist leadership structure. There are many who believe that the West has too much democracy. What this means for us, is that the threats against Christianity will not only increase, but may even be put into action. So, the Anti-Christ system will expand with a view to eradicating Christianity. Within Socialism, there is only the Marxist ideology, which means that God has no place in any aspect of society and religious freedoms and liberty would be at stake. So simply put, the God of the Universe is on trial. Christians must now engage in serious Spiritual Warfare. We must recognize that the pandemic was all about changing our ideologies – a test to see if we were in the position we need to be, in order to allow them to execute their “ideological makeover”, and now the war is about cementing that process.
Bondage and Famine
The Western Leaders have been blindfolded for years. Many of these leaders have thought that they could operate from two different platforms. They must return to God, or else the Babylonian system will put us in bondage and consume them in the process.
Needless to say, it is critical therefore, for God’s people to discern the difference between a snake, a cat, a lion, a dragon, a bear, an eagle and a wolf.
If we take a good look, in the height of the pandemic and the war, laws are being passed to remove some of the ancient landmarks as well as other laws that are the foundation of freedoms, and that is why, if we in the West are to survive, we must return to the Lord.
Further to this, the soaring oil prices, skyrocketing food prices as well as the high cost of living, will send many nations into famine.
Pledging Allegiance
It is all about pledging allegiance.
There are benefits offered by both Christ and the Anti-Christ. Whatever choice is made will determine the direction of a nation – whether bondage or liberty. While many allegiances are now being formed, it is critical that people select the right allegiance, because everything else is temporary.
There are reasons for every war, and they come with advantages and disadvantages. For example, some wars are to take over the resources of nations. The disadvantage here is that other enemies to the nation create confusion and more deception to awake sleeping giants that have not gone into war with other nations for a while. So attention will be on, Germany, Japan, China, and Iran, but the target may be on the USA and Israel, based on Biblical Prophecies.
The possible advantage is that Christians have the opportunity to join together to win the lost for Christ. Also, there can be dominion and wealth transfer to the Kingdom, because of the suffering they had endured during the pandemic.
We must pray against any nuclear strike based on Zechariah 14: 12 – 15, and that God will give the Body of Christ more time to set its house in order. We pray that this war does not lead us into World War 3 and fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 38.
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