We are in the season of Pentecost, and Pentecost is one of the greatest seasons for mankind.  It is the seasons within which the Church was birthed; and it is about ordinary people being empowered to do extraordinary things. It is a time during which God pours out upon his people.

As we read the book of Acts, we see the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit. After Passover, God instructed Israel to number 7 Sabbaths plus 1 day, which worked out to be 49 days plus 1 day which in total is 50 days.  The number 50 signifies jubilee, liberty/freedom, and is the number for the Holy Spirit.  (Leviticus 25: 10).  Now it is important for us to realize that we can do nothing without the Holy Spirit.  He is God.  If Jesus did not carry out His ministry without the Holy Spirit, what say we as a Church.  We need the Holy Spirit of God!

Acts 1: 8 says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

If the Church is going to walk in the Spirit of Excellence, and display God’s Divine power, it is critical for us to get back to the Holy Spirit.  Many have locked Him out of the Church, while focusing on the world and what it has to offer.  A world without the Holy Spirit is just simply chaos and darkness.  We have seen both secular and religious leaders fail badly because they have exchanged the Holy Spirit for other spirits; hence the current global problems we now face.

The Holy Spirit is now pouring out His power and His Spirit upon all those who welcome Him. 

There are many benefits we receive at Pentecost – Power, Promotion, Purpose and Provision.  It is an Upper Room moment of Prayer


For the next 6 months, we need to watch global economies.  There will indeed be great shaking of the governments and the Church.  Meanwhile, the levels of sin and evil will continue to rise, BUT, the Power of the Holy Spirit will increase and intensify. We will also see natural and spiritual earthquakes taking place. 

God is calling His people to rise up and tear down the strongholds and evils over and within nations.  He is also calling the Mothers of Zion to be revived, arise, be refreshed, be empowered and get back on the wall.

Global expansion of the Kingdom will be taking place.  A time of refreshing, rebirthing and renewal.  New wine will be poured from the heavens upon the nations and even more so upon His people. 

The Lord says we are to pray and watch France and India.   He further said that many of the politicians will be removed from the scene that a number of them will be arrested at the airport.    There are going to be major explosions taking place in Space.  The Lord also says that there will be a massacre taking place in Jamaica.  There will be major investigations among billionaires, and many offices will be raided.  Many government offices locally and globally will be raided by Law Enforcement.

There will be major division among politicians and government officials which will lead to great exposure.  Some politicians’ eyes will be opened but it will be too late – particularly concerning contracts they have signed.  There will be a changing of the guard soon – from the top to the bottom.  However, it is critical for the globe to pray that there won’t be missile attacks on the West.  A dying bear is dangerous because they will lash out and they have nothing to lose.  The West needs to be warned and be on high alert against attacks.

Many are complaining about the shooting currently taking place in the USA, but the root is being ignored.  The root cause is sin.  The focus should not only be on the one who pulls the trigger, but on who is behind the trigger-puller.

While they lament about school shootings and gun control, there is major neglect regarding the killing of the unborn child, and while I condone neither, we must give attention to both equally. 

The Lord is asking the question – “Who will stand up for the voiceless?”

More schools and campuses will close down because of shootings. 

We are about to witness the 4 horsemen according to the book of Revelation.  We will see now the pale horse and black horse in effect.  The Pale Horse signifies death, disease, water problems, and hunger.  The Black Horse signifies food shortages, war, high food prices, scarcity and economic disruption.

There will be a major split within the current political party in government – the like of which has never been seen before.  The civilians will begin to express their frustrations and declare that they have had enough. 

Hospitals in Jamaica need urgent attention as more supplies will be needed to deal with what lies ahead.  They also need more health centers and hospitals within the country.  No one should be turned back.  Pray for the hospitals.

The Lord says there is a massive wind blowing away the things that are evil.

Many commercial airlines will be grounded and numerous flight cancellations will occur because of what is going on in the atmosphere.  The Lord says He is allowing this to protect His people.

The bear has plans to send missiles to the USA. 

There are different terrorist attacks that are staged by popular people.

The Lord says there needs to be health discounts for the people.

The Lord also revealed many caskets lined up side by side.

In Jamaica, many buildings will be shaken down including old church buildings.