Sin has continued to change the landscape of the environment.  The negative effects of climate change is the result of sin.  It has caused many to flee their state and nation – New York, New Jersey, and California to name a few.  There will be an increasing exodus from different cities, countries and states as a result of the sinful lifestyles. 

What lawmakers need to know, particularly those legislate sin and sinful lifestyles, is that sin pays a wage.  When you sin, it is work done and you will surely be paid.  Sin is a slave-master which demands one to be faithful and committed.  All sins matter, so, when you sin, you become a slave to sin and your employer is Satan himself. 

Sin Destroys The Economy

Sin affects the economy, brings crime and violence and brings disaster.  Many are trying to bring solutions while ignoring the main cause of the problem.  Matthew 7: 24 – 27 shows us that many are building with sin, but the reward will be bankruptcy and recession, and there will be a great fall unless they build on the rock.

If we want to see an end to viruses and plagues, then we must address the things that are considered to be sin in God’s eyes.  So many nations are using sin as a cure for sinful activities.   We must remember Romans 6: 23.  Debt to the cities and nations mean death to your economy, increased debt to the nations and death as well.  Ultimately, sin removes the Grace and favor of God from a nation.  It also downgrades a nation’s economic rating.  Furthermore, it brings poverty and curses.

It is critical that even heads of nations and organizations, other businesses, churches and lifestyle all impact operations and negatively impacts productivity.

Sin – The Separator

Sin separates the individual from God and it also impacts the animals and their habitat.  The sin of man even affects the ground by way of curses – barrenness.  We are now seeing Agriculture being seriously and negatively affected pushing us to the verge of famine.  Many will die of hunger, unless we change our lifestyle.

Romans 8: 20 – 22 says, “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;  because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.”

This Scripture reveals to us that there is a connection between the earth and our actions.  Many who call themselves experts need to realize that it is man’s actions that propel climate change.  Until that is understood then a great deal of time will be wasted in meetings going in circles.  It is as a result of sin why man now has to labor for what God had planned to extend freely to mankind.   Sin caused man to make the wrong choices and birthed greed, corruption, and selfishness – among other things.

Sin Is Contagious

Sin is contagious.  It is time for us to engage in social distancing from sin.  Jesus paid the price to cleans us from sin.  The only sin that is not forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.   Remember that sin is a reproach to any nation and that it is righteousness, that will exalt the nation.  No nation can be great without righteousness.  The way the world treats the poor is a sin and is now impacting the globe negatively.  Look at the fact that the air we were freely given by God, and to which we had free access in all places, we now have restricted access and in some cases a violation of our freedom having to wear masks wherever we go; not to mention the monitoring devices that many are being required to wear. 

Breaking Spiritual Laws

The breaking of Spiritual Laws brings serious consequences.  If man was taking spiritual laws seriously, then we would have avoided much of the problems we are now facing in the world.

It is surprising to see that many are now rising to power by promising sin as a solution.  The sinful heart of man does not have mercy even for the unborn.  It is time for us to change our sinful lifestyle so that we an have peace and economic prosperity.