Understanding symbols in the end-time are critical.  Jeremiah 1: 11 – 13 tells us:

“Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”  Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”  And the word of the Lord came to me the second time, saying, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a boiling pot, and it is facing away from the north.”

In this Scripture, we see where God tested the prophetic understanding and growth of His prophets, to see whether or not they understood the times and seasons.

Generally speaking, the almond tree blooms early in the spring.  It is the first tree to bloom in the winter; and when it blossoms, it is symbolic of spring in the air.  In the Hebrew culture, the almond tree and the action of Jeremiah watching (as a watchman would) symbolizes new season, hope, joy and resurrection.  It meant things would begin to spring forth again.   To some extent it meant replenishing and restoration.  The prophet of God must know what season they are in so that they could accurately guide the nation.  It also represents God swiftly fulfilling His promise of upcoming exile and destruction.  The almond tree blossoms as early in the season.  This showed imminent calamity for the wicked*-

Bitter And Sweet

Almond comes in 2 species – bitter and sweet.  So, we will see the manifestation of 2 events – bitter and sweet.  Ultimately, we will see redemption and destruction.

Jeremiah 31: 27 – 28 reminds us, “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of beast. And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, to break down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, says the Lord.”

While God’s faithful will walk in prosperity, the enemies of God will experience the judgement of God.

While God watches over His people, He will build up and plant them.  However, the enemy will be uprooted and broken down.  Breakdown is a must in order to build.  We will see this happen globally.

The Hebrew meaning for the word “almond” is sha-kade’ and the root of the word ‘almond,’ ’sha-ked,’ is identical to the verb ‘sha-kad,’ which means “to be diligent,” “to strive,” “steadfast.”  These are the qualities that any good watchman must possess.

God has a time to perform every prophetic word – whether positive or negative.  We are in a time where God is ready to perform His word, hence, the watchman must watch, hasten, anticipate, be sleepless, alert, vigilant and on the look-out.e is rea

Spring Begins

In the Northern Hemisphere this year, Spring begins on March 20, 2022 and ends on June 21, 2022.  So, in the first 19 days of March, we need to be on the watch.  It is important to note that while Spring happens in the Northern Hemisphere – in countries such as Canada, the USA, the Caribbean Islands and the West Indies, it is Winter in the Southern Hemisphere – in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, major parts of South America, about one-third of Africa, and some islands of mainland Asia.

Jeremiah 1: 13 – 15 speaks of the calamity and terror that will come out of the North.  The Babylonians are the major instruments used by God to punish His enemies. Interestingly, the Northernmost nations of the world include Greenland/Denmark, Canada, Russia, Norway, United States, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland.  Today, most if not all of these nations are hotbeds of activity.

The Boiling Pot

The Boiling Pot represents God’s judgement, calamity and terror, from the north, since during that time most of the invaders of Israel and Judah came from that direction.  

The steam of this boiling pot represented God’s judgments, which are often compared to a fire, as the afflictions of Israel were to a smoking furnace. (Jeremiah 1: 13; Genesis 15:17.)

The Boiling Pot also symbolizes doctrine, traditions, determination through a person. The pot further denoted the empire of the Chaldeans, lying to the north of Judea, and pouring forth its multitudes like a thick vapor.

Are the nations ready to deal with the judgement calamity and terror that is about to come upon the globe?  It is critical therefore, for the peoples of the nations to stock up on the following:

Masks                                        Sanitizers                                   Toothpaste

Bleach                                        Wipes                                        Pampers

Pull-ups                                     Baby Formula                           Bath Soap

Lamps                                        Candles                                     Matches

Olive Oil                                    Garlic                                        Tents

Basins/Tubs                              Water                                         Medical Supplies

Feminine Products                   Vitamins                                    Canned Goods

Batteries                                     Matches/Lighters