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There is no doubt that the enemy always utilizes events to implement systems for their advantage. 

During the pandemic, the Lord told me that they will want to implement online and cashless systems on the premise that it is safer.  The Lord also showed me that they would be ceasing certain aspects of banking in order to implement new systems toward the cashless society.  The cashless society will ultimately lead to the one world system.

Daniel 12: 4 says, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

While knowledge and technology increase, many countries will be introducing other countries to technology in exchange for the resources of the nation – their land, oil and other natural resources.

It is critical for third world countries to take heed and ensure that they are not tricked out of their resources and their nation’s “birthright” so-to-speak.  While technology has its advantages, man cannot satisfy hunger by eating technology.  Individuals and third world countries should focus on the land, the farming, and the utilization of a barter system.  They should not prioritize a cashless system if they intend to be viable in a cashless society.

What backs the digital currency? If your digital funds disappear, how will you be compensated?

Let us say they get rid of all the cash and have only online or digital funds, and there is a disaster, a blackout, or a glitch which causes people to lose their money or simply have no access to it.  How will those who only have online/digital funds survive after such loss?

What will happen to our elders who have no knowledge of dealing with online transactions?  How will they survive?  Will their freedoms be taken away?

After the technology-driven nations have traded their technology for the natural resources of other nations, what will those other nations do when the technology fails, and the famine begins?  Those nations will have no choice but to go back to those technology-driven nations and beg for or buy back what they (owned) had for free before.  The “5G” will not feed a nation or take care of the basic needs of the people of the nation.

In order to is rise in economic power, everything God has given each nation is connected to the ground; gold, silver, livestock, agriculture precious stones and so on.  Trading all that for digital tools will bring nations into poverty not prosperity.  Furthermore, our politicians will simply become “rubber stamps”, and in order to avoid deception, we should focus on Revelation 12 and Revelation 13: 1 – 4.  The Dragon will be deceiving many and giving them power in the end time.

It is also critical for nations to factor in the twenty-one judgements of the Book of Revelations, when they are formulating their budget.  These will affect national budgets and currencies, as well as the poor.  All the judgements carry a price tag which will affect the poor, banking, food security and the cosmos.

While many are promoting a cashless society, are we ready to deal with the negative fallout such as unemployment.  Rural areas will be negatively affected and many banks in those areas will be close.  Furthermore, there is the risk of exploitation of the poor and the elderly.  It will also become more expensive to do online transactions, and we will all be at the mercy of the credit card companies.

There has to be options from which to choose.   Not everyone is comfortable with digital payments.  Data security, identity theft and other breaches of this nature will negatively impact account holders and we might see accounts taken over, fraudulent transactions.  God made everything in life balanced, and as such, we must be careful to ensure that we do not apply or take on first world systems in third world nations.  We must take our culture, our difference and our resources into account.  So there needs to be options for people to choose, rather than be forced to accept what has been chosen for them.

The banks need to be careful about how they are treating their customers.  They need to know that the customer is king, and that if they did not have the customers, they would have no business.

Unless nations take heed, many banks will close.