Mark 4: 19 says, “and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.”

The greatest threat against Christianity is “the cares of the world”.  What would happen of Christians were focusing on and seeking God more than they were the cares of the world. (Matthew 6: 33).  Then there would be less struggles and we would be manifesting in dominion!  Christians no longer know what belongs to them because they have become lukewarm.  The pandemic has revealed the condition of Christianity. 

Lukewarm And Lacking Focus

If God cannot get one’s focus, how can He get one’s attention.  We miss God’s true blessing on a daily basis because of our focus on the cares of the world.  As a result, we are eating the crumbs so-to-speak while the world enjoys the blessings that belong to us. 

Lack of focus and attention bring lack of growth.  The enemy is taking what truly belongs to us and is repackaging it to us to sell it back to us and then behave as if they are doing us a favor.

Most Christians are not fulfilling their purpose because of their focus on the cares of life.  They are not in God’s will, hence they are not hearing what God is saying to them nor do they know what God has in store for them.  They are operating as the helper when they are supposed to be the master – and that includes the workplace.  You will never do great exploits for God if your focus is on the cares of life. 

Jesus, in the midst of pain, persecution, lies, rejection, and suffering, never put the Kingdom second.  As Christians we pray more on a daily basis than we do for man to come to Christ, and that is why we are experiencing so much evil, problems and greed.  Men are becoming more evil as a result of their focus on the cares of life.  They are not function the way they ought to do.  Christians are spending more hours in the world, and very few minutes in His Presence.

In light of the technological advancements such as the virtual platform, many still come on turning off the camera to hide their face and still attired in their nightgowns or pajamas or less, behaving as if they are doing God a favor. 

The Consequences of Being Lukewarm

Revelation 3: 15 – 16 reminds us, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.  So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

One of the consequences of being lukewarm is that you fall into becoming the like the Laodicean Church. Cool Springs are refreshing; Hot springs are medicinal, but lukewarm springs are nauseating.  As a result, being lukewarm simply means you are undesirable, useless and you are creating no fruit nor impact.  (Matthew 7: 16 -17). They say they are Christians but they bear no resemblance to Christ.  They serve no purpose in the kingdom, they live like the world, they compromise, they have no faith.  They have what we could call “spiritual cataracts”.  They are unfaithful and have no zeal for the things of God. 

Being lukewarm is a spiritual disease from which one needs deliverance.  In a lukewarm church one becomes complacent.  They have no zeal for prayer nor evangelism.  God is knocking at the door and most are neither hearing nor obeying, nor are they allowing the Lord to come in and dine with them.

Is There Oil In Your Lamp

The Laodicea was noted for being a banking center for the production of a glossy black wool used in clothing and carpets, and for producing salves for caring of eye disorders; and that is why the church is desperately needed.  The grace that regenerates the garment of Christ’s righteousness, illuminates the spirit and sets us on fire for the Lord to do His work and will is desperately needed once more.  Each of us has a lamp in us which represents Christ on the inside of us.  We need oil each day to keep our lamps alight.  Most lamps are almost out and Matthew 25 reminds us that we need oil in our lamps daily.  We are spirit-man in a body of flesh, so our souls have to be continually set ablaze.  Many are going to Church just for the sake of going and for occupying different positions, but they have already divorced Christ and they have no intimacy with Him.

If a Christian’s passion is not to do the will of God, then something is wrong with that Christian.  As a result of being lukewarm, many are missing their inheritance.  Are you to busy for God’s Presence?