Photo: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore WARNING AND WORD OF THE LORD TO THE LEADERS February 14, 2017 TBN is heading for a fall and there will be serious exposure. Many will be surprised. The exposure will come because too many Christians are looking up to them. Many will fail. Pray For Pat Robertson The great deception is coming. But the faithful ones who focus on Jesus, they will know that there is a shift […]
READ MOREBy: Apostle Steve Lyston 12.26.2016 Joel 3: 21 says, “I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land.” What if men, especially political leaders would take both Biblical and Personal prophecies seriously? The gift of prophecy is […]
READ MOREWe are just 2 days away from an election that is one of the most important in history! The outcome of the election is extremely significant, especially as it relates to the Church, Israel, the Anti-Christ and the Rapture. We also need to watch the Book of Revelation, particularly Revelation 17. The Lord showed me 2 visions prophetically which are frightening; one about a year ago and one just now! While many prophets have been […]
READ MOREWhen will mankind understand that regardless of their plans, God has the final say! He rules in the earth! The more we try to remove God’s presence and principles from the governing of a nation, the more chaos, crime and confusion will increase. Every leader and government are accountable to God. God ordained the institution of government for the regulation of human affairs; and one of the rights of any government is to protect the […]
READ MOREToday, we carry part two of the New Year prophecies for 2016 as provided through Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly, and Prophet David Benoit. Part one appeared in The Gleaner on New Year’s Day. 31 There will be changes in the banking system. Dwindling cash flow will be the cause. Most of the finances will end up in the confines of those in charge. […]
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