Tag family


6 May


  Prophetic Word For May MOBILIZATION FOR YOUR INHERITANCE (Numbers 1, 2 & 3) By: Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston The month of May – which is the second month of the traditional Jewish calendar – is critical to every believer. It is the most prophetic month for the year. It is the month of Iyyar, which means Increase in Revelation. So May is the month of Revelation. It is a time of mobilization, when God […]

2 Nov

Family, Divorce And The Economy

  The family is the main underpinning element in the stability and growth of a nation. Without a proper familial structure within any nation, instability begins to eat away at many other facets in the society, including the economy. When families struggle, marriages come under a tremendous strain which affects their jobs! Ultimately, the economy is affected and, in turn, negatively affects families and marriages as financial pressures mount! Sadly for some, divorce ensues. From […]

5 Sep


As soldiers, in the same way we are trained to fight naturally, there is a spiritual battle that we must also fight.  “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (II Corinthians 10: )  Strongholds in this context refer to anything opposing God’s will for your life and family.  Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood…” hence, carnal wars and […]

1 Sep

Are There Sexual Boundaries?

Sex is a very personal and very sensitive issue, but it is now the number one issue dominating the globe and affecting areas such as legislation, the economy and education. Not even poverty is as dominant an issue as sex these days. But the fact that it is such an issue today makes it less personal and more of a public matter that needs to be addressed, so that we can get back to the […]

17 Jun

8 keys For Families

Wives, pray to break soul-ties of past connections from your husband; cutting him free from the things that hold him back!  Husbands, ensure that you wash your wife with the word; ensuring that you read the scriptures and impart unto her to build you up together in Christ. Husbands and Wives, always come in agreement with prayer for the family and for business decision-making. Husbands, do not allow, friends, relatives or co-workers to be closer […]