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25 Jun

THE WORD OF THE LORD – Signs of the Times Everywhere Part 1

  (6.24.2018) Signs of the Times Everywhere   Part 1   By: Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston   Daniel 12: 4 says: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”   We are seeing the fulfillment of the Books of Daniel and Revelation right before our eyes.  Revelation 13: 16 – 17 says: ”He causes all, both […]

12 Apr

ApostleDr Steve Lyston | Advice To Trump: Be Like Nehemiah

  Be Like Nehemiah As the world awaits the proverbial ‘changing of the guard’ in the United States of America, some are fearful, meanwhile many are jubilant. As I have said many times before, God is the one who promotes and demotes. He does whatever He pleases. We may not understand God’s will, but we must pray each day. If President-elect Donald Trump wants to be successful and legitimately ‘make America great again’, then he […]

2 Nov

Family, Divorce And The Economy

  The family is the main underpinning element in the stability and growth of a nation. Without a proper familial structure within any nation, instability begins to eat away at many other facets in the society, including the economy. When families struggle, marriages come under a tremendous strain which affects their jobs! Ultimately, the economy is affected and, in turn, negatively affects families and marriages as financial pressures mount! Sadly for some, divorce ensues. From […]

17 Aug


With the upcoming US Election, all eyes are again focused on the United States of America. Regardless of who the victor will be, there are still dark days ahead financially before things get better. Every country benefits from America one way or the other – even their enemies. But they now have to focus on the things that have allowed them to be great in the first place. Helping humanity and feeding the poor is […]