THE WIND OF THE SPIRIT AND THE U.S.A. ELECTIONS The hour is at hand, but what takes place after the elections is critical. There can be only one winner, so one way or the other, there are many who will be devastated – depending on who wins. God will use this election to usher in His will! He can use anyone! It is not about the messenger, it is about the message! The message is […]
READ MOREI have watched the election activities – the debates, polls and reports – and based on what I am seeing thus far, I am realizing, or should I say, confirming more each day that the church is in a terrible state! 1.It shows that much of the Body of Christ cannot identify God’s will. 2. If we don’t know God’s will, we will not make the right choices . 3.Christians are no longer discerning, and […]
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