Tag top 10

top 10

17 Jun

8 keys For Families

Wives, pray to break soul-ties of past connections from your husband; cutting him free from the things that hold him back!  Husbands, ensure that you wash your wife with the word; ensuring that you read the scriptures and impart unto her to build you up together in Christ. Husbands and Wives, always come in agreement with prayer for the family and for business decision-making. Husbands, do not allow, friends, relatives or co-workers to be closer […]

13 May

10 Commandments For A Happy Family

  (Matthew 6: 33; Proverbs 31; Proverbs 18: 21; Ephesians 4: 26) 1. Seek God First especially when making financial, family and other major decisions! 2. Maintain unity within your household and have one vision for the family. Never compete with, but complement each other. 3. Come together, even 1 day each week – for family devotions, giving God thanks for the things He has done for you – both small and big things. Thanksgiving […]