“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5: 1)

It is amazing how many of us as Christians are today living a life of powerlessness! Many of us have handed over our God-given authority to the devil with eyes wide shut! IT’S TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR AUTHORITY!

The Word of God tells us in Matthew 28: 18 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Then Christ proceeds to extend this authority to us by giving us the Great Commission and told us to “Go …”

The Lord further told us in the John 14: 12—14, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I will go to My Father…If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

I could continue quoting Scriptures to prove the kind of authority we have through Christ, but it comes back to one thing; in order to take back our authority, we must know the Word of God!

Pick up your Bible and turn to Mark 4: 35—41. Let’s look at this Scripture—seriously!
Realize that the moment Christ determined that He wanted to cross over the other side the winds arose.

Oftentimes, the moment we decide that we want more out of our Christian walk, more out of our relationship with God, then out of nowhere, come the things that the devil wants to use to confuse or discourage us! This “wind” causes the waves to arise and try to knock us off our feet and so we lose faith and oftentimes we feel as if we are sinking under the pressure!

Notice that when the disciples saw the storm and felt its effects, they became full of fear and empty of faith! Yet Christ was calm—in fact, He slept! They woke Him up, asking Him if He didn’t care that they were perishing! What a question to ask our Lord! Yet, we do it all the time! We often ask God, “God, don’t you see what is going on? Are you really there?”

But look at what Christ did! He rebuked the wind and spoke to the sea! What the Lord is saying to us is that we must use the authority He has given us and rebuke Satan’s activities and demons in the atmosphere (for Satan is the prince of the power of the air) and then declare that which we desire to see happen! Notice that the disciples and those around marveled at the fact that the winds and the sea obeyed Christ. That tells us about the level of their faith and their view of their own authority and on God’s ability to protect and help us!

We must be determined to walk in our Godly authority so that we can ultimately walk in victory! What is the level of your faith today? Are you walking in your authority? Take back your joy and your peace of mind! Take back our children from Satan’s clutches, and your unsaved husband or wife, and live the abundant life that God has given you with the AUTHORITY he has given you! We are joint heirs with Christ!