Take lessons from animals in building economy


There have been much debate worldwide regarding the instability and uncertainty of the economy.

Debt, default, downgrades, deception, dollars and division are the order of the day. But the key ‘D’ we need to look into that causes all these to be at the fore today is disobedience.

Administrations criticizing each other, and economists debating with economists about the best model to follow. But no one wants to deal with the root and the truth.

From 2005, it has been revealed that this would take place in the global economy through famine, and how to prevent it. It has even been documented in the book End Time Finance. Now we are reaping the fruits. No matter what you do, you can’t hide the truth, and this is something we all need to keep in mind.

In order to stabilize the economies so that growth can take place, what we first need to do is to rebuild the base – equip the small income earners. What nations have been doing is to try to bail out and build the top. But they have disregarded the base – the foot of the structure which is the common man.

Once the feet are no longer functioning the top can’t move and everything will collapse.


There are several questions to be answered.

What role do God and His principles play in the growth, development and prosperity of a nation?

How has disobedience to God’s instructions and principles affected the nation’s economic growth and development?

How does sin affect a nation’s economy or an organisation? (Proverbs 14: 34; Psalms 89: 16 – 17)

Can sin block the divine revelation or solution we need to stimulate economic growth and restore the confidence of our shareholders and investors? (I Samuel 3: 1; Joel 1, 2)

In what or whom do nations and business leaders trust to bring back the economy? Is it the real estate and auto industries; is it in gold, or will we trust in God?

Think about this. If BMW makes the cars and sells the BMW vehicles, wouldn’t they also know how to fix them if something goes wrong with any of them? (Psalm 24) God founded, made and established the earth – all that is in it – and has the full copyright. When something goes wrong, He knows exactly how to fix it.

When people hear of biblical principles they say, ‘That is foolishness! These people are fools.’ And they believe that those who study understand and can execute these principles are less intelligent or not intelligent at all.

However, a fool is not someone of diminished intellectual capacity. A fool is one who believes that there is no God and opposes godly principles; or one who makes an intellectual decision to choose moral perversion as a lifestyle. (Psalm 14: 1)

Creature Teachers

In order to turn the economy around, there are a few things we can learn from four simple little creatures.

Ants: This creature is not strong, but demonstrates great industriousness. They understand times and seasons. They are good planners and they never get caught off-guard – neither does inflation affect them.

Rock badgers: This creature is feeble, but it understands how to build. They can survive in any economic situation or through any disaster; and they build on the solid rock.

Locusts: They have no leader – no king, prime minister or president. However, they cooperate and build their organisation without any kind of division or undermining; all for the growth and prosperity of the group.

Spiders: The spider is small but they always accomplish great feats. They are very skillful and do not allow their size to hinder them from accomplishing big things. They rise to power regardless and show us that size has nothing to do with your capacity to rise to economic strength and power.

Egypt rose to prosperity during the famine because of the favor, grace, wisdom and anointing that was on the life of Joseph, who held the God-given solution for that nation.

Many organisations, and even nations, receive benefits and blessings because of those within.

Read more: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110815/business/business1.html