
It is critical for mankind to take note of Biblical predictions on cosmic issues. What will trigger some of these issues is mankind’s interference with creation. Psalms 19: 3 outlines the material earth is the sphere in which heavenly messages operate. There is no limitation – all nations are embraced in this limitation. God speaks to every nation through His creation and once He speaks to us, we must acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior. This Scripture proves what many scientists have discovered; that the sun is enclosed in an envelope of fire. (Psalm 19: 4; Romans 1: 19 – 20)
There cannot be a creation without a creator. God’s creation tells us about the power of the Creator. Thus, man has no excuse for not believing that a Creator exists – regardless of their profession or belief; whether a scientist or atheist.
David described the rotation of the earth from the viewpoint of man – that the sun revolves around the earth. By comparison, we use words like sunrise and sunset to describe earth’s rotation, when technically, the sun does neither.
Nothing happens in the world without God revealing it to His people and to those who desire to listen. Even for scientists who are trying to prove that there is no God, all the signs are there before their eyes! We are about to see the Law of Four in the Cosmic events – Air, Land, Sea/River, Bird, Livestock.
In an effort to gain supremacy, some of man’s actions such as nuclear testing, the development and use of dangerous chemicals, personal and private choices, and even the implementing of legislation to remove the Word of God from public forum, have served to facilitate the current Cosmic issues. This is the very same Word that reveals to us that God created the cosmos on the fourth day!
The Word of God, creates, forms and restores. The very economy that is in shambles globally has come about as a result of the absence of the Word in the Marketplace. When we replace it with negative, blasphemous words, it pollutes, defiles and creates the next threat – OZONE LAYER AND LUNAR PROBLEMS!
Joel 2 speaks about the Lunar eclipse, as well as Revelation 6: 12 and Acts 2: 20. We know that there is a Lunar eclipse scheduled for April 15 and October 8, 2014. What would happen if a cosmic problem results? Are we ready to handle that?
The Law of Four
Revelation 6: 7 – 8 speaks about the opening of the fourth seal. The Bible outlines that there will be widespread death on the earth! It further speaks about the voice of the fourth living creature and Pale Horse ridden by death which symbolizes disease and destruction resulting in innumerable deaths, and also speaks about it affecting a fourth (a quarter) of the earth.
Revelation 8: 12, “Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.”
Take note that the word ‘eclipse’ means ‘the darkening of a heavenly body’
John was speak about a cosmic convulsion, similar to the ninth plague that took place in Egypt – Exodus 10: 21.
So we see lunar, solar and ozone problems. Furthermore, Luke 21: 25 says: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring”
Will we see a lot of skin diseases, heat waves, heat strokes, vision problems and even tsunamis, tidal waves, fires, earthquakes where there are no fault lines, and even inactive volcanoes erupting in places we didn’t think they existed?
Are there already gases in the atmosphere that are causing illnesses to many but are unknown to scientists and they don’t want to admit it?
Will there be unbearable heat around the world and will we see an increase in dryness of the mouth and throat especially among the youth and elderly? Is there enough medication for the resulting diseases?
Will we now reap the consequences of the pollution of the ocean – the vessels and waste matter sunken in it?
The scientists must stop interfering with God’s creation under the guise of research which is now backfiring on us globally!
Will the sun begin to kill the livestock and other animal life?
What will happen to energy costs and how will the poor be able to handle that?
Why don’t the various agencies come together globally and put a plan in place to being to store vaccines, drinking water, and other necessary items?
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